Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

A Finnish or Scandinavian candle is a campfire design common among hunters and fishermen, consisting of one thick log mounted vertically. It can be used for lighting, heating and cooking.

Options for making a Finnish candle

A log for a Scandinavian candle can be prepared in three ways:
  • with an axe;
  • chainsaw;
  • wood drill.

Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

The manufacturing option affects not only the convenience and speed of preparing the log, but also the combustion parameters. It is best to make a candle from a dried log with a height of 40-60 cm and a diameter of 25-35 cm. The height affects the heat transfer, and the thickness affects the duration of combustion.

Creating a candle with an ax

Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

You need to choose a log without knots with even grain. It is split into 6-8 logs with an ax. The wedge of their center is split in such a way that when reassembled, the log takes the shape of a tube.
Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

After preparation, the chopped firewood is collected back into the log. It is tied at the bottom with steel wire, which will hold it in place and prevent it from falling apart. If you do not use it, the candle will burn less.
Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

To light a candle, you need to cut the split ends of the log into chips, and then place them in the log pipe. One chip is set on fire with a match and lowered to the kindling. As soon as intense combustion begins, you need to add a little more fine fuel on top. This must be repeated until the log itself begins to burn.
Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

Making a candle with a chainsaw

Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

The log is split lengthwise into 6 segments using a saw. They are sawed at 2/3 of the log's height.
Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

Ignition is carried out in almost the same way. Some wood chips are placed in the center of the log. Since the chainsaw does not create a tube in the log core, little fuel will fit.
Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

To ensure easy ignition, you can lightly pour gasoline onto the wood directly from the saw tank.
Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

Preparing a log with a drill

To work, you will need a wood drill bit with a diameter of 20-30 mm, the length of which is equal to or greater than 2/3 of the height of the log. First, a longitudinal hole is made in the center of the log, running along its core.
Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

After this, the side hole is drilled so that it meets the longitudinal one.
Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

If you install a drill in a cordless screwdriver, you can prepare a candle even in nature. You can also use a hand-held screw drill, which eliminates the need for power tools altogether.
Lighting such a Finnish candle will also not cause any difficulties, but only if you use well-burning kindling. You can use a piece of cotton wool soaked in paraffin or a piece of rubber, for example, from a bicycle or car inner tube. Burning kindling is placed through the side hole into the central one. It will be more difficult to light a log using only wood chips, but it is also possible.
Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

Features of candle burning

Candles made with an ax and a chainsaw flare up quickly, burn brightly with a lot of heat, but burn out in 3-5 hours.
Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

Their only difference is that after burning a candle with a saw, there is no fire left in the form of scorched earth.
Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log
As for a candle with drill holes, it burns 2 times longer and is great for cooking, since a small fire does not cover the pot with soot. It also does not burn the earth, but burns slowly.
When using a candle for cooking in a cauldron, you need to take into account that the dishes should be placed on a stand to allow smoke and fire to escape.
Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

It can be used as 3 pebbles laid on the end of a log or cloves hammered to the same height.
Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

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Comments (1)
  1. Pavel Kalina
    #1 Pavel Kalina Guests April 6, 2019 09:37
    Gut, nothing to add!!!