How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

Boiled dressings for first and second courses are inferior in taste and aroma to fresh ones, so it is preferable to freeze chopped vegetables rather than canning. Salting them will be even more practical. Let's look at how to make it very tasty, quickly and so that the dressing will last until the next harvest.
How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

Dressing recipe:

  • durum tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • carrots – 1 kg;
  • onion – 1 kg;
  • sweet pepper – 1 kg;
  • parsley roots – 2-3 pcs.;
  • a large bunch of greenery;
  • salt – 170 gr. per 1 kg of finished dressing.

How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

The process of preparing vegetable dressing

Vegetables are taken with a reserve, since they are weighed according to the recipe after peeling. All ingredients are cleaned as usual, except for tomatoes. In addition to removing the stalk of a tomato, you also need to remove the peel. To do this, they are poured with boiling water for 30 seconds, then discarded in a colander.
How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

After this, the peel is easily removed with the tip of a knife. Grate carrots and parsley root.
How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

Then the onions, peppers and tomatoes are cut into cubes.
How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

Everything is put into a large bowl, filled with finely chopped herbs, and the ingredients are mixed.
If you have a free freezer, you can put ready-made, unsalted dressing into small plastic bags of 3-4 tbsp. and freeze. For compact storage, it needs to be trimmed in bags to get flat briquettes.
How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

It is more practical to add salt to the dressing in the amount of 170 grams. per 1 kg of mass.
How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

It is mixed and left at room temperature for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the vegetables will give juice and the salt will dissolve. To prevent the top layer of the dressing from weathering, it is advisable to cover the bowl with a lid or cling film. After 15 minutes it is put into small jars. The vegetable juice remaining at the bottom is distributed between them to pour over the chopped vegetables. Full jars are closed with plastic lids and sent to the cellar or basement.
How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

In winter, the dressing from the bag is simply added to the dish without defrosting. When using vegetables from a jar, you need to take into account that they are salted, so you need to taste and finally add salt to the dish only after adding them.
How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

The dressing prepared in this way, without heat treatment, retains most of the vitamins, as well as the summer taste and smell of vegetables, so dishes with it will turn out much tastier. The advantage of this method is that you can save a lot of time, since boiling and subsequent sealing of cans is eliminated.
How to quickly and without cooking preserve all the benefits of vegetables for the winter

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