How to make a lattice from a single piece of furniture board

Well-made woodwork is always mesmerizing, especially if it shows the craftsmanship of the carpenter. With a modern instrument, even beginners can learn a lot, but there are things whose production secret cannot be guessed so easily at first glance. Let's look at how you can make a swing door grille from a solid furniture panel.

What you will need:

  • Furniture panel 18 mm;
  • hinges for swing doors;
  • wood crown;
  • jigsaw;
  • pencil;
  • square;
  • manual router with edge cutter 9R.

Swing door manufacturing process

The furniture panel is cut to the size of the future grille.

Then you need to mark on it the O-shaped cells that will make up the lattice. On the side where the hinges are installed, an indentation from the edge is left so that they can be screwed on later.

Along the edges of the cells on the curves, holes are drilled for the centering drill of the crown, and then the shield is drilled with its help.

The wood between the holes is cut with a jigsaw. The edges of the door are also trimmed. As a result, it takes on the appearance of a lattice.

Next, all that remains is to mill the edges of the rods to round them.

In the corners where the cutter does not reach, they are finished with a chisel and file.

Final smoothness can be achieved by sanding.

All that remains is to saturate the door with oil or paint it, and install it on the opening using special hinges. It looks really unusual, and evokes admiration for its simplicity and complexity of execution at the same time.

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