Cleaning drains with baking soda and vinegar

Drains in sinks and bathtubs become clogged even with careful use. Garbage accumulates gradually, starting with regular deposits and ending with lumps. In this case, the rate of water removal is significantly reduced. If urgent measures are not taken, the drain will subsequently completely block the pipe and the outflow into the sewer will be clogged.
Cleaning drains with baking soda and vinegar

Methods for removing blockages

To remove such blockages, three methods are usually used:
1. Mechanical. It requires the use of special tools, is somewhat complex and is not sufficiently effective.
2. Hydraulic. It is based on the use of special expensive equipment, but gives good results in a short time.
3. Chemical. This method is accessible at home and relatively cheap. It all depends on the price of the product used.

Using baking soda and vinegar

The most affordable and effective cleaning method at home is considered to be the chemical method. However, the means that are used for this often have many disadvantages. Therefore, it is better to replace them with soda and vinegar, which:
  • have a low cost;
  • do not pollute the environment;
  • do not emit toxic elements;
  • is in every home;
  • easy to use.

The process of clearing clogged drains using baking soda and vinegar

Initially there is no sealed blockage. The water just takes a very long time to drain.
Cleaning drains with baking soda and vinegar

Therefore, we begin to clean the system.
First of all, you need to remove the plug from the drain hole in the sink or bathtub. It will interfere with subsequent actions.
Next, vinegar is poured into the drain hole. Any solution of this substance is suitable for these purposes, but it is better not to use the essence, as it is too toxic. 200-300 ml will be enough.
Cleaning drains with baking soda and vinegar

After this, soda is poured into the drain. In this case, 5-7 tablespoons are enough.
Cleaning drains with baking soda and vinegar

A characteristic chemical reaction can be immediately observed. A large amount of gases is released and a characteristic increase in temperature is noted. These processes help clean the system even when clogged.
When the reaction is over, you need to add a little more vinegar. Usually 300 ml is enough.
Cleaning drains with baking soda and vinegar

The procedure can be repeated twice.
Cleaning drains with baking soda and vinegar

Cleaning drains with baking soda and vinegar

At the final stage, you need to pour a large amount of boiling water into the drain hole. 1-2 liters will be enough.
Cleaning drains with baking soda and vinegar

After 5 minutes, you can open the tap and rinse the system with running water. The clog will be cleared, and the water will drain from the sink faster.
Cleaning drains with baking soda and vinegar

Now the water drains much faster.
Cleaning drains with baking soda and vinegar

In particularly difficult cases, the operation is repeated several times.

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Comments (5)
  1. Sergey Subbotin
    #1 Sergey Subbotin Guests 13 September 2018 10:39
    Such nonsense can only be uttered by a person who has never mechanically cleaned a sewer.
  2. guest
    #2 guest Guests 13 September 2018 13:56
    Soda is expensive actually.....maybe yeast will do? seems cheaper.....
  3. Half
    #3 Half Guests September 13, 2018 21:00
    Life experience suggests that just below the sink drain hole there is a siphon that can be dismantled, disassembled and washed/cleaned. The effectiveness of this method is many times higher than that given above.
    And if the blockage is not in the siphon, but further in the sewer pipe, then this method is simply useless.
  4. Guest Roman
    #4 Guest Roman Guests 15 September 2018 16:28
    This method will more or less work only if the sink drain is hermetically sealed during a chemical reaction with the release of gas!
  5. Guest Sergey
    #5 Guest Sergey Guests 17 October 2018 16:45
    Is your method suitable for plastic pipes?