How to clear a clogged sink at home?

Each of us, at least once in our lives, has encountered the problem of a blockage in a sewer pipe. Untimely preventive measures and human inattention lead to unpleasant consequences, the elimination of which may require considerable financial investments.
How to clear a clogged sink at home

The most common cause of blockage is the appearance of an obstruction in the siphon or drain pipe. A traffic jam can form as a result of the accumulation of small particles of paper, wool and hair, sand, grease and other waste products.
There are the following ways to remove blockages at home:
  • - thermal;
  • - chemical;
  • - mechanical.

Next, we will consider the most popular of them.


This method is considered the cheapest and simplest. It will help remove clogs from fatty deposits. Cleaning will require several liters of very hot water. For effectiveness, you can add soda or citric acid to the water.


The stores offer a wide range of drain cleaning products.They have different consistencies and forms - liquid, powder, granules or gel. The composition of the preparations is similar to each other, the main substance in them is caustic soda.
The chemical method is considered very fast, but not always effective. The drug that gets into the drain envelops the blockage, gradually breaking down its particles. When purchasing a chemical product, read the instructions for it. Please note which pipes the product is suitable for.


This method is used in cases where chemicals and boiling water do not help. The simplest is to use a plunger. By using it, you create pressure in the drain pipe. As a result, the stagnant debris begins to move and break down. If the sink has an overflow hole, then it must be covered with a rag or sealed with tape.
Another mechanical method involves using a cable or wire. This method allows you to remove the plug at the depth of the pipes. The device is pushed through the drain hole and rotated. After making sure that the blockage has been removed, the cable is removed and the pipe is washed with water.
An effective method for cleaning the siphon is disassembly. If it has a standard design and access to it is open, then a woman can handle it. A small master class is shown in the photo. In this case, the decorative overlay with mesh is connected to the outlet pipe into the sewer using a screw. By the way, debris from a mixture of hair and wool often accumulates on it. Unscrew the screw and clean it.
How to clear a clogged sink at home

Remove the pipe and rinse in hot water.
How to clear a clogged sink at home

How to clear a clogged sink at home

How to clear a clogged sink at home

Reassemble the structure under the sink in reverse order.
How to clear a clogged sink at home

Preventive measures

If you don't want to encounter a clogged drain again, follow a few rules. Protect the drain hole with a protective mesh and clean it promptly.It will retain particles of debris, food, hair and wool, which form a plug in the siphon and pipe.
Once every three months, use chemical or thermal treatment of pipes. You can pour a spoonful of baking soda or salt down the drain once a day. Do not pour fat that sticks to the pipe walls down the drain. It's better to soak it in toilet paper, a paper towel and throw it away.
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Comments (3)
  1. Valentin.
    #1 Valentin. Guests 13 August 2018 11:34
    Simple: use a smooth hose to connect the siphon to the sewer and once a week with a small brush (which is used to wash test tubes) through the holes in the siphon from the sink, using circular and forward movements, easily clean this part of the siphon from dirt. Well, once a year - clean the siphon itself and the drain pipe - with an ordinary brush. All!!! Well, if the siphon mesh is of the old type (divided into 4 parts), then it can be cleaned perfectly with an ordinary brush!
  2. Guest Mikhail
    #2 Guest Mikhail Guests 16 August 2018 15:55
    No soda! It settles on the walls of the pipes and over time turns into stone. The ideal remedy is to pour peroxide in for two to three hours.
  3. Sector
    #3 Sector Guests 10 February 2019 17:54
    What kind of fool is this owner who put a drain hose under the sink without a sediment filter? No less than an iPhone player.