
Many of us prefer Japanese cuisine, among which the most original dish is probably sushi or rolls. You can prepare sushi at home; you don’t have to visit expensive sushi bars to satisfy your appetite.
So, in order to make sushi at home you will need the following ingredients:
- rice (300-350 grams);
- noria sheets (seaweed pressed into a sheet, you will need approximately 5 sheets);
- pink salmon fillet, salted in oil;
- fresh cucumber (one is enough);
- butter (40 grams);
- salt (a little less than a teaspoon) and vinegar (one tablespoon).

Sushi at home

Place the rice in a suitable container. You can use special sushi rice, but regular rice also works well.

Sushi at home

Rinse the rice thoroughly and soak in warm water for half an hour. Then simmer over low heat for no more than 10 minutes.

Sushi at home

Drain the water, add oil, salt and vinegar. Stir and let cool.

Sushi at home

Place the noria sheet with the smooth side on a plastic bag (I use the bag instead of a bamboo napkin).

Sushi at home

Cut the cucumber into four strips, drain the oil from the pink salmon fillet.

Sushi at home

Spread the cooled rice evenly onto a sheet of noria.The sheet absorbs moisture from the rice, becomes elastic and rolls without much difficulty.

Sushi at home

Also spread the filling in strips along the entire length of the sheet.

Sushi at home

Then carefully wrap it in a roll. Cut into slices with a knife previously soaked in water. From one such “roll” you get 6-7 rolls, not counting the side waste.

Sushi at home

This is how delicious it turns out.

Sushi at home

It is better to eat sushi with soy sauce, as it adds some spiciness. You can experiment with the filling, for example, instead of a fresh cucumber, take a salted one, or a fresh avocado, and replace the fish with chicken, mushrooms, or ham. In general, anything.
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Comments (8)
  1. feelloff
    #1 feelloff Guests March 8, 2012 10:29
    I agree - very simple and very tasty. True, in small towns the ingredients are difficult to find, and sometimes even impossible.....
  2. zanudatb
    #2 zanudatb Guests June 27, 2012 07:01
    A small correction, dear. Here we show how to prepare ROLLs and not SUSHI. In addition, it is customary to wrap the rolls using a special mat (of appropriate size). With its help, the roll can be rolled more tightly, which means it will be easier to cut. I think you can buy it in the same place where you buy nori.In addition, as I remember, it is customary to use wasabi, applying this seasoning to the nori before adding other ingredients (the main thing is not to overdo it). However, I think you can replace wassabi with grated figohm
  3. Dashunya
    #3 Dashunya Guests April 20, 2013 11:09
    Bore, the nickname is quite suitable.
    And a normal package! Spending money on a mat to cook once a month - what the heck!
    you would also write “author of the recipe, you forgot ginger, blablabla!”
    Everyone has their own preferences, not everyone likes wasabi.
  4. Roll lover
    #4 Roll lover Guests February 18, 2014 01:07
    There is no oil in rice for rolls!
    And yet, your rolls are curled like a snail, this is not correct!
  5. Robanna
    #5 Robanna Guests 3 December 2014 16:12
    And I bought a mat, especially to make rolls, I bought wasabi, ginger and other ingredients. As a result, the rolls fell apart because I'm stupid I didn't find a smooth or rough side to them. They are both rough in appearance. Now I think I shouldn’t have bought everything at once, but tried it in a modest way: on cling film. Thanks to the author! smile
  6. Guest Igor
    #6 Guest Igor Guests 7 March 2018 20:58
    What nonsense. Nothing to do with rolls. Don't fall for this recipe.
    1. Guest Igor
      #7 Guest Igor Guests June 20, 2018 09:00
      If you saw how rolls are made in sushi bars, you would feel bad and would never buy them again in your life. And here everything is natural and fresh. Let it be a different technology. To each his own. There is no single recipe for any dish, only a general description. Each cook or cook does everything in his own way, each has his own flavor.
  7. Lena
    #8 Lena Guests 13 March 2019 22:10
    A Japanese chef would do hara-kiri))