Recipe “Salad with “Kirieshki”

Today I suggest you prepare a very tasty and simple salad with croutons. I received the recipe for this salad from my mother several years ago, and now it is always on our holiday table. This salad has several advantages: the salad is hearty, the ingredients are accessible to everyone, it is easy to prepare and has an original taste. This salad is suitable for both a festive table and a regular dinner.

So, in order to make a salad with croutons, we need the following products:
a small pack of salmon or caviar flavored crackers;
two medium potatoes;
one medium carrot;
two cloves of garlic;
three eggs (chicken);
a jar of any sprats in oil;
three tablespoons of mayonnaise;
a pinch of salt.

The sprats need to be chopped (I mash them with a fork). Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs in salted water. Then let them cool and clean them. Three eggs and vegetables (including garlic) on a coarse or fine grater. Then we combine them with sprats and crackers. Salt, add mayonnaise and mix. Salad ready. If you serve it right away, the croutons will be crispy. About an hour after cooking, the croutons will become soft and the salad will become more tender.
I am sure that salad with croutons will take its rightful place on your list of delicious and festive dishes.

Recipe “Salad with “Kirieshki”

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Comments (3)
  1. feelloff
    #1 feelloff Guests 6 October 2012 17:33
    Here is my salad with croutons)))

  2. radomila
    #2 radomila Guests October 10, 2012 11:45
    feelloff, I like your salad better. I love it when the salad looks like salad and not like porridge.
  3. ohg
    #3 ohg Guests 11 March 2013 14:10
    chips+crackers+salad= just delicious :winked: wink