Bereginya from threads

Signs and beliefs have existed in the human subconscious since time immemorial. A long time ago, our ancestors, the Slavs, strived for harmony with the world around them, making amulets, turning to natural forces with a request to support and help in difficult everyday work and important deeds. It is not for nothing that this great people became famous, having long composed legends and tales about the strength of the invincible Slavic land. Our ancestors believed in the existence of good and evil forces, and asked their patrons for help, creating miraculous amulets with their own hands. They came in different colors and sizes, made from scrap materials. One of the popular amulets at that time, helping to win a war and driving away evil spirits, were the so-called BEREGINI. They were placed in the cradle of babies who were constantly capricious and did not sleep well, hidden under the threshold so that evil forces would not sneak into the house, and presented to warriors going to defend their people.
Currently, this symbol has lost its original purpose and has more of an aesthetic function than a protective one. This craft will decorate your home on the eve of the holiday; the fairy-tale angel - BEREGINYA - can be a wonderful gift, made with your own hands and with a piece of your soul invested.
Let's look at an unusual but simple way to make BEREGINI from threads. You will spend no more than an hour on the work, but the result is worth it.
To begin with, take two spools of ordinary thread, preferably contrasting in color, give preference to tones to your liking. These are the colors of the future crafts. We wind them onto pre-prepared rectangular pieces of cardboard (one large one 6-7 cm for the body, the second slightly smaller 3-4 cm for the wings) in the manner shown in the picture.

Bereginya from threads

The more threads you wind onto the cardboard, the more magnificent and beautiful your bereginya will be. Then secure one side of the larger part with a knot with another thread. This will be the beginning of the head of the fake. Having fixed it, cut the edge opposite to the knot with scissors, as shown in the photo.

Cut the threads wound on a small cardboard on both sides, you should get a bunch of hairs.

Fix the head of the bereginya, stepping back a small distance from the top knot, and tie the knot with a thread of contrasting color.

After this, your product should look like a brush or broom. Divide the bristles of the brush and insert the blank for the wings across it, wrap it, strengthening the position with a thread of a different color, and now the bereginya is almost ready.

All that remains is to trim the protruding edges of the threads and decorate the amulet with beads or sequins attached with glue.

Let this beautiful amulet please you with warmth and protection, bringing happiness!
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Comments (1)
  1. Aino
    #1 Aino Guests 21 August 2017 16:35
    In our area, faces are not made or painted on such amulets - it is a bad omen; it is believed that spirits can move into it. They are made in twos: white (male) and red (female), the belts are connected with thread. And the manufacturing technology is the same, only they are called martinichkas, not beregins.