Decoupage boards with Paris

Such a cutting board, decorated using the decoupage technique, can become a wonderful decoration for the kitchen interior, and it can also serve its intended purpose - for cutting food. On one side the board is decorated with decoupage

White-winged gliders, airplane made from ceiling tiles

Recently, small models of gliders made from EPP, or, in other words, from ceiling tiles, have begun to appear in toy stores. Of course, such a toy flies beautifully, can withstand many flights and can be used everywhere, but the prices are steep - $9 per

Wood for earrings

There are so many interesting and funny things in the world that sometimes there is no time to be sad, but if you have time for such a not very rewarding task, then you should do something useful. Despite all the things that you can redo: and the dust

Hot smoked fish with stuffing

Getting hot smoked fish at home is not at all a difficult task, and the advantages of a natural product with excellent taste and original smell, and the absence of popular chemicals (liquid smoke) are undeniable.For cooking

“False fireplace” made of plasterboard

A home fireplace has long been considered the personification of comfort and romance. And of course many would like to have it at home. However, nowadays, the vast majority of people live in apartments, which makes a fireplace just a dream and nothing more. However, if there is

Corrugated paper flower tree

A very long time ago, in ancient times, people began to master the art of creating flowers from paper. They decorated homes, gave them to each other, and in the mid-18th century in European countries, paper flowers began to be used to decorate churches. A little bit later

Love tree

Many people are fond of beadwork, because almost anything can be made from it! Today I will introduce you to making a Tree of Love from beads. For this we will need floss threads, beads and wire 0.3 ml (all in two colors) and

Knitted jewelry: set of knitted beads

Knitted jewelry will never go out of style. Needlewomen have always loved to decorate themselves with handmade items, so such jewelry has always been valued and looked especially beautiful. Knitting knitted jewelry for yourself is not as difficult as

Restoration of an old cabinet

Each of us has ever been faced with the decision of the future life of old things that do not fit into a modern interior. Sometimes it’s a pity to part with old furniture - after all, it is of good quality and is associated with old memories. If

Painting "Money Tree"

Is it possible to make a nice souvenir with your own hands, the cost of which will not exceed only 18 rubles? Yes, if you want to make a Money Tree painting. The craft is not complicated and symbolic, from the category of gifts for those who have everything.

Eco-friendly bird feeder

A bird feeder that you and your child made with your own hands will bring great pleasure. This is both a good tradition, teaching a child to take care of our little brothers, and a wonderful creative activity. Milk cartons, plastic

Panel "White Flowers"

This craft is created quickly from simple materials in an accessible way. The most difficult thing is the flowers. But you don’t need any special skills to make them. For the product you need: - wrapping paper or wallpaper painted to match wood size

Flower kusudama tree

Just recently, I didn’t even know about the existence of such an art form as kusudama, but today I am already slowly mastering this creativity. Kusudama is translated from Japanese as “medicine ball”. In ancient times, kusudama was used in Japan

Tree that attracts money

Money tree - Feng Shui places great importance on trees, trees of happiness, money, from the evil eye, and so on. And if the tree is made independently, it will bring more benefits and money, since human energy is invested in it,

Small dried decorative pumpkins

For the holidays, people are increasingly eager to decorate their home - and here they go to great lengths, as they say.So, I have pumpkins, avocado pits, a lot of dried flowers, acrylic paints, glitter gel and a great desire to create something

Photo frame made from salt dough Lightning McQueen

In order to make a frame from salt dough, we will deviate from traditional manufacturing and for greater granularity we will use not fine salt, but rock salt. We'll make the dough ourselves. For this we need: 1 cup flour, 1 cup salt, 1

Unusual flower glowing in the dark

Today we will create an unusual and somewhat provocative craft - we will paint a living flower and make it glow. Our goal is to create an unusual composition without the use of electronics and causing minimal harm. On the Internet

Children's furniture - high chair

The child grows, new needs appear: a high chair, for example. It turned out that in the store a quality item costs at least 4000 rubles. And safety is the most important thing.

Spear for sport or small game hunting

Once I thought that I could throw darts, knives, and axes, but I had never tried to throw a spear. With this thought in mind, I got down to business. The first step was thinking about and finding the right materials. So, we need: any aluminum pipe from 1 to 2

Roses on a ball – topiary

To begin with, we take the most ordinary napkins. I took snow-white ones, but you can take plain ones of any shade.

Tree of the knowledge of good and evil

I became interested in the type of applied, very ancient folk art “Vytynanka” quite a long time ago, back in 1992.At that time, Ukraine was just beginning to take its first steps towards the revival of culture and national identity. To the "stage"

Flowers in a vase from a plastic bottle

It's nice to have flowers on the table in the room. They are pleasing to the eye. But fresh flowers quickly wither. No one will buy them all the time. And it’s unlikely that anyone would think of destroying city lawns. However, you can find a replacement for a living bouquet -

Tree of Happiness

I want to share with you how I can create an amazingly beautiful tree of happiness from simple things at home, which will decorate your interior and give you a pleasant feeling from the work done.

Plywood car model

Do you like working with wood? Then this is especially for you! Today I will show you how you can assemble a model of an old car from plywood.