Painting "Money Tree"

Is it possible to make a nice souvenir with your own hands, the cost of which will not exceed only 18 rubles? Yes, if you want to make a Money Tree painting. The craft is not complicated and symbolic, from the category of gifts for those who have everything.

Painting "Money Tree"

We will need the following materials:
A sheet of thick cardboard,
Cork backing sheet,
Matte brown cardboard,
Painting or stationery knife,
Universal glue,
Brush/cotton swab,
Felt pen,
Coins of 1, 5, 10 and 50 kopecks.

We cut a sheet of thick cardboard and a cork backing into a rectangle shape so that the edges of the cardboard protrude slightly.

I got a format slightly smaller than A4. Lubricate the backing with universal glue and apply it to the cardboard. We put everything under the press until the glue dries. This will take several hours.

Using a ruler and a felt-tip pen, draw a horizon line on the cork.

Now you can draw and glue the tree trunk. To work with universal glue, it is convenient to use an old brush or cotton swab. After gluing, they are simply thrown away.

Coins of 50 kopecks are excellent as the first layer. It is advisable to use shiny coins.But you can also rub with cleaning powder or soda those that no longer shine.

Glue the coins with universal glue to the cork in the shape of a tree crown.

The next layer is 5 kopeck coins. It’s no longer easy to find them; you’ll need to empty out all your wallets and piggy banks.

Layer number 3 – ten-kopeck coins. And the last layer is a real rarity - one-kopeck coins, if you can find them.

The “ground” layer is best made from coins of 10 and 5 kopecks. If you use rubles and 50 kopeck coins, the cost of the souvenir immediately increases. But even when using large coins, the craft will cost no more than 20 rubles.

Dry the painting horizontally, otherwise the coins may slide off. Once the glue has dried, you can make a wire loop and hang it on the wall. The picture turns out to be heavy, so the loop must be strong.

The souvenir is ready. You can decorate your home and attract money luck.

If you use such a picture as a gift, it would be appropriate to glue an envelope to the back and put a bill in it. This time, of course, paper. This method of giving money seems to me to be the best.
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