Flowers in a vase from a plastic bottle

It's nice to have flowers on the table in the room. They are pleasing to the eye. But fresh flowers quickly wither. No one will buy them all the time. And it’s unlikely that anyone would think of destroying city lawns. However, you can find a replacement for a living bouquet - artificial flowers. And you can make them yourself.

Flowers in a vase from a plastic bottle

Spend money on expensive materials to make such crafts No need. It is made from the simplest, available things. For such flowers, all you need is a plastic bottle, a sheet of white office paper, and large polystyrene foam. A corrugated bottle will look interesting. But you can take a simple one. And its size doesn’t matter at all. The only tools you will need are scissors.

First you need to prepare the bottle: carefully cut off the neck and its narrowest upper part, then, starting from the cut edge, cut the container approximately halfway into thin strips. These stripes are future flower stems. The thinner they turn out, the neater they will look.
At the second stage, small flowers are cut from prepared paper. The diameter of each flower is up to two centimeters.These can be any flowers - from chamomile to cornflower. The shape of the petals does not play a big role. Then the balls - foam plates - are separated from the piece of foam plastic. It is desirable that the foam consists of large balls. They will be easier to put on the stems.

Now you need to put foam balls and flowers on each stem, combining them, as is done, for example, when stringing beads on a thread. Although it is not at all necessary to put the same number of flowers and foam plates on each stem. Variety will add liveliness to the bouquet.

At the last stage, you can decorate the vase itself, that is, the bottom of the bottle. Pour the remaining polystyrene foam into it, paint it, cover it with nail polish or cover it with colored paper. And the craft is ready.

This is just an option of what it is possible to turn an unnecessary plastic container into. Instead of flowers, you can make a tree, a bush with berries, or even a palm tree. Everything here depends on the taste of the master and his creative approach to work.

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Comments (1)
  1. Mayan
    #1 Mayan Guests 5 February 2014 14:30
    Very tedious work! difficult, but beautiful!