Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Insulating an apartment with expanded polystyrene is one of the common methods of insulating your home. What are the advantages of this type of insulation? And the advantage is that insulating an apartment with polystyrene foam is carried out indoors and every apartment owner can cope with this task. Another advantage of such insulation is the absence of hired high-altitude workers who charge a lot of money for their services.

Why use polystyrene foam?

Because polystyrene foam is much denser in structure than polystyrene foam. When hitting a wall, polystyrene foam will be more resistant to dents. Also, do not forget that in terms of heat conservation, the thickness of polystyrene foam is equal to the same two thicknesses of polystyrene foam. And for internal insulation it saves space. Therefore, insulating an apartment with polystyrene foam will be more appropriate.
If you decide to insulate your apartment with polystyrene foam yourself, then you can complete this task without any problems if you follow the tips and tricks listed below.

To insulate an apartment with polystyrene foam, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:
  • - hammer drill with chisel and drill for 10;
  • - electric drill with a mixer for mixing construction mixtures;
  • - bucket, notched and flat spatula, hammer;
  • - glue for polystyrene foam boards;
  • - umbrellas or mushrooms for fastening polystyrene foam boards (fastening rod 10 mm);
  • - polystyrene foam boards with a thickness of 20 mm;
  • - mesh for plastering work;
  • - putty.

Do-it-yourself wall insulation with polystyrene foam

First of all, you need to prepare the walls for insulation.
Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Remove the old wallpaper, and using a hammer drill and chisel, knock all the plaster down to the base of the wall. Carefully sweep construction debris from all corners, collect it and take it out. Then, according to the instructions, use a drill and mixer to mix the glue for polystyrene foam boards in a bucket. Apply this glue with a notched trowel to the polystyrene foam board and press it firmly against the wall.
Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Due to the teeth on the spatula, the glue is applied in strips, and at the moment of gluing, these strips are smeared into a solid ball of glue. Thus, the plate is glued tightly to the wall without excess glue. Then you need to fix the glued polystyrene foam board to the wall. To do this, use a hammer drill with a 10 mm drill. drill 5 holes in the wall directly through the polystyrene foam. The holes should be placed at the corners of the slab and one in the center.
Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Insert the umbrella into the drilled hole with the fastening rod facing forward and use a hammer to secure it in the wall with a plastic dowel. Tapping with a hammer, the umbrella needs to be sunk into the polystyrene foam flush with the stove. In this way, glue and secure all the polystyrene foam boards to the wall.
Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

The insulation of the apartment with polystyrene foam is not yet completed.The next step is to prepare the walls for finishing. All joints of polystyrene foam boards and umbrellas must be plastered. You can use the same glue for this. Using a flat spatula, cover all cracks and depressions flush with the polystyrene foam boards.
Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Leave the walls in this state until the glue dries completely. Then stretch the plaster mesh over the entire area of ​​the wall. At the corners you can use a sickle mesh.
Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Place putty in a clean bucket using a drill and mixer. Using a flat spatula, apply the putty in an even layer over the entire wall area. Why is a clean bucket so important when mixing putty? If there are particles of debris or sand in the bucket, then when puttingtying they will interfere with applying the putty in an even layer, creating stripes and stains. It is advisable to putty the walls in two layers. After all layers of putty have completely dried, the insulation of the apartment with polystyrene foam is considered complete.
Wall insulation with polystyrene foam
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Comments (8)
  1. Victor
    #1 Victor Guests 13 November 2017 13:20
    Expanded polystyrene is very harmful to the human body (constant chemical fumes) and is not used for interior work. When it catches fire, it emits a lot of smoke (one breath and you're unconscious).And the most important thing! - by insulating the wall from the inside (without insulating the wall from the outside), the dew point was shifted, i.e. Now the main condensate will collect inside the wall and destroy it year after year. In 5 - 10 years there will be a second window.
    1. feelloff
      #2 feelloff Guests 13 November 2017 14:41
      There is, of course, some truth in your words, but not much. Firstly, no moisture will form behind the wall, since it simply will have nowhere to come from. Expanded polystyrene is isolated from humans, and it is not as harmful as you described. Well, if there is a fire, any building material is toxic.
      1. Evgeniy Nikolaevich
        #3 Evgeniy Nikolaevich Guests 12 March 2018 21:09
        There is not a grain of truth in these words, but the true truth. You are wrong to think that polystyrene foam is isolated from humans; its secretions easily pass through half a meter of concrete. And its harm is enormous: SNIPs prohibit its use even outside, only for insulating foundations. Now about insulation from the inside, by doing it you stop the access of heat to the wall and open the access of cold from the outside, so the wall will freeze right up to the polystyrene foam (by the way, polystyrene foam is also granulated polystyrene foam, unlike extruded polystyrene) and naturally will get wet when defrosting.
  2. Vasya
    #4 Vasya Guests 15 November 2017 21:03
    The seams between the plates cannot be covered with glue; cold bridges will form. It is not advisable to carry out insulation inside the room; the mesh should be in the middle of the adhesive composition, and not as in your photo.
  3. Dmitriy
    #5 Dmitriy Guests 15 November 2017 22:34
    Well, they don’t insulate living quarters inside, only outside. On the inside, thermal insulation is done either in refrigerators or in rooms for short-term stays.
  4. Ravil
    #6 Ravil Guests November 24, 2017 12:54
    Expanded polystyrene is HARMFUL not only when it burns, but also just indoors. This material is constantly in thermodynamic equilibrium. When the ambient air is heated above 20°C, active release of styrene begins. The USSR Ministry of Health banned polystyrene foam for thermal insulation of rooms where people were located. Girls become infertile. Only for non-residential residents. It is also used for highways, railways, and airfields to prevent grass from growing. Styrene tends to accumulate in the body. And is a component in napalm bombs.
  5. glory
    #7 glory Guests 19 September 2018 22:38
    Ravil, have you thrown out all the ballpoint pens and don’t use disposable tableware? and in general, a lot of things need to be thrown out according to your sectarian beliefs, it contains polystyrene... it is all around us...
  6. glory
    #8 glory Guests 19 September 2018 22:40
    It’s scary how many illiterate preachers are against polystyrene, although most of them chewed polystyrene pens at school, and nothing... and eat from disposable tableware...