Panel "White Flowers"

This craft is created quickly from simple materials in an accessible way. The most difficult thing is the flowers. But you don’t need any special skills to make them.

Panel "White Flowers"

For the product you need:
- wrapping paper or wallpaper painted to resemble wood, measuring 0.50 x 0.32 m (up to 0.40 m),
- 3-4 sheets of white office paper,
- white sewing thread (No. 30) – 1.5-2 m of thin copper wire,
- stationery stapler or glue,
- scissors

Sequence of implementation of the “wood” base.
1. From wrapping paper or wallpaper painted to look like wood, cut out 4 strips 50-53 cm long and 8 cm wide. Bend the strip along the middle, fold the edges inward, align and press. You should get a dense strip from which a matting lattice will be made - the basis for attaching flowers to it.

2. Four strips of equal length and width will be enough, but you can, using your imagination, supplement such a lattice with several thinner strips - up to 0.7 cm wide - this will give the product elegance.
3. You can arrange, bend and connect the strips of matting as you wish. The figure shows one of the options.

Making flowers
1. To make the center of the flower, you need to bend a rectangular leaf as shown in the photo (7, 8). Having made a hole in the corner, thread a copper wire into it - this will be the stem. Roll the workpiece, trying to form a bud. This part should not exceed 1cm in diameter, otherwise it will be difficult to attach the petals to it.

2. Fold a sheet of A4 paper in half lengthwise and cut it. Fold exactly one part like an accordion (into 8 fragments), draw a petal on it. For ease of fastening, the base of the petal should have a stalk about 1 cm wide and the same length. Carefully cut out the petals. This will be the outer circle of the flower.

3. For the inner circle of the flower, cut the petals 1.5-2 cm shorter; six of them will be enough. We also leave cuttings. To make it more convenient to bend them around the base of the flower, we make a longitudinal cut in the middle of the cutting.

4. Attaching the petal to the part that is the middle of the flower, wrap it 3-4 times with thread, holding the end, then overlap and wrap the second petal, etc. After the first inner circle is ready, we immediately overlap the petals of the outer circle. If you see that the circle has closed, you should not use the last petal.

5. The flower is almost ready, but you need to cut out the “shirt front” - the flower bed. We also fasten it with thread.

6. All that remains is to cut out a thin strip, 1.8–2 cm wide, along the length of A4 and wrap it around the flower stem to hide the wire and thread.
The flower is ready. You can make two more of the same size and two unopened buds. Leaves, arrows, feathers, curly antennae - this is your imagination. The petals of the outer circle need to be wrapped with scissors - you get a lily.

It is important to secure the flowers well on the lattice.This can be done conveniently using a stationery stapler.

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