Contrast bracelet

Making a beautiful, original piece of jewelry for your hand on your own is not very difficult. I offer a version of my bracelet made of patent leather. Follow the description.

Necessary materials:
1. two small pieces of patent leather - one white, one red;
2. waxed cord in red and white colors;
3. special rivets;
4. buckle;

Necessary materials

Among the tools we will need:
- press for installing rivets;
- ruler;
- scissors;
- pen;
- hole puncher.

we will need tools

If you don’t have a special press or hole punch, this is not a problem. To create holes, use a regular awl or carefully cut with nail scissors. Instead of a press, you can install rivets using a regular hammer.
So let's get started. The first thing you need to do is cut out 10 pieces of leather. We need 3 pieces of red leather of the following sizes: 45x15mm - 1 piece, 10x35mm - 2 pieces. And 7 pieces of white color of the following sizes: 45x15mm - 1 piece, 10x35mm - 4 pieces, 100x7mm - 1 piece, 70x7mm - 1 piece.

pieces of leather

The next step is to make 8 small holes on pieces measuring 45x15mm.Try to make marks on the back side with a pen so that the holes are one against the other.

8 small holes

We take 150mm of wired white cord and weave it diagonally through one hole.

cord weave

Then we do the same with the red cord, only in the opposite direction so that we get crosses.

do it with the red cord

On the other hand, we secure the tails from the laces by simply tying knots. We cut off the remaining tails.

With a backward moan

Next, you need to fold 2 white pieces with the letter “G” and make a hole with a hole punch

you need to put the pieces together

And attach the rivet using a press.
We do the same on the second side to make the letter “P”, only we attach a red piece.

do it on the other side

You need 2 of these letters “P”, only the second one should be symmetrical to the first.

the second should be symmetrical

Next, the piece created using lacing must also be connected with rivets with two letters “P”.


Take a piece of white leather measuring 70x7mm. We make a small hole at a distance of 25mm from the edge. We put a buckle on this hole and secure the remaining tail with a rivet. Then use another rivet to attach the belt to the base of the bracelet.
On the last piece we make 5 holes with a distance of 15mm. And we also attach it to the base using a rivet.

it turned out to be a contrasting bracelet

Large contrast bracelet

That's all, the bracelet is ready. You can also do it in any other color: black and red, black and white or any other material you have.

made a contrasting bracelet

bracelet on hand

DIY contrast bracelet
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