Leather case for player

It turns out that making a stylish leather case for your player yourself is not so difficult.

We will need:

1. A little leather, the thicker the better
2. Thick cardboard or plywood
4. Shilo
5. Blunt metal object
6. Water
7. Sharp knife.

Step 1

First, we need to cut the material into a shape that is identical in size to our iPod.
Since our method will use water, it is necessary to choose a material that is not too afraid of water.

Round the corners of the shape just like in your player; in general, we need to make an exact copy.

Once the mold is ready, wrap it in additional layers of paper (it will absorb excess moisture) and secure it with electrical tape or tape.

Now let's start shaping the skin.

Cut two pieces of leather approximately 2cm larger on each edge.

Next you need to soak the skin in water. After the skin absorbs water, it will change color.

We place the wet leather on a pre-prepared form on both sides and squeeze everything tightly, making sure that everything is even and the form lies in the middle of the pieces of leather.

Now we need that same blunt object.Press and smooth all edges around the mold. The wetted skin should be easy to shape.

If you press a hard object with a pattern firmly onto the surface of wet leather, you will get an embossment on the surface of the leather. This way you can apply your personal logo.

This is what should happen -

Next, the skin should dry. It is better to dry in natural conditions. This will take one or two days. To speed it up, you can wrap it in paper that will absorb moisture.

After the leather has dried, you need to sew the layers of leather together around the perimeter of the form. The best way to do this is to use a shoe hook. You choose the threads to your taste, but they must be as strong as possible. The holes for stitching can be marked in advance using a ruler (this will make it smoother).

Next, we cut off all excess and make a cutout on top for easy grip of your player.

When trimming leather along the edges, it is better to leave approximately 5 mm from the seam.

The edges of the seam need to be waxed, although you don’t have to do this; over time, the leather will rub itself in and look good.

Here's what happened -

A leather case will serve you faithfully for many years, and if you make it yourself, it will also bring pleasure as you use it.

Good luck!

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Comments (1)
  1. Veronica
    #1 Veronica Guests 13 November 2017 23:04
    Very interesting and informative! And also easy. Thank you. I won’t do it for the player - I don’t have an iPod, I have another one, they fail before the leather case comes off. But to make a cover for something else, you can also use the principle of making a cover. ;)