Low water pressure? The coarse filter is clogged

Slow flow of water from a faucet in the bath or kitchen, as well as taking a long time to fill the toilet tank, causes irritation, spoils your mood, and can cause you to be late for work, school or a meeting. As luck would have it, this happens more often in the morning or evening, when every minute is precious.
There are several reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon: clogged mesh aerator on the tap, narrowing of the riser or supply water pipe, a general decrease in the water supply pressure in the system, incorrect choice of the diameter and length of the water main, simultaneous consumption of water by a large number of people, etc.
Low water pressure The coarse filter is clogged

Below we will consider a case associated with a clogged coarse filter (most often this happens on the cold water supply pipe), which can also be one of the reasons for the low water flow from the tap or mixer.
To work, we will need an adjustable wrench and, just in case, some of the thread sealing materials: tow impregnated with a water-repellent composition, FUM tape, special sealant, etc.

How to clean the coarse filter

For steel (metal) pipes, it represents a device consisting of an inlet and outlet pipe, as well as a predominantly oblique reservoir, which, in fact, is the housing for the filter element - a micro-mesh stainless steel mesh with cell sizes of 50-400 microns, depending on the model . The mesh is closed on top with a plug using a thread through a sealing gasket or winding.
Low water pressure The coarse filter is clogged

This filter can become clogged with impurities contained in the water, scale particles formed on the inner surface of the pipes, fluffs of sealing material, etc. Sometimes the cause of this undesirable phenomenon is the repair of water pipes by neighbors who are located down the riser before you.
In such cases, it is impossible to do without removing the coarse filter mesh and removing accumulated debris from it. In order for the process to proceed without complications, it is necessary to first turn off the cold and hot water supply taps. It doesn’t hurt to place a tray under the filter, since when you unscrew the plug, the water remaining in the filter body and the adjacent part of the pipe will flow out.
We unscrew the plug holding the strainer in the housing using an adjustable wrench, having previously adjusted its size to the nut on the plug. The process may become somewhat more complicated if particles of debris accumulated in the filter housing get on the threads.
Low water pressure The coarse filter is clogged

Low water pressure The coarse filter is clogged

We take out the plug along with the mesh filter, which at one end fits into the recess on its back side.
Low water pressure The coarse filter is clogged

Although the two parts are not mechanically connected, accumulated debris makes them difficult to separate from each other.
Low water pressure The coarse filter is clogged

Using some effort, we separate the plug from the mesh and visually verify how much different debris has accumulated outside and inside the mesh filter.Moreover, it is so compacted that it is not so easy to remove.
You have to use a screwdriver to pick out the debris inside and shake it out, while tapping the filter with something hard. The resulting pile of litter is impressive both in volume and content. What is not there: sand, dirt, fibers, oil and fat substances and much more.
Continue by rinsing the mesh and plug with water, if necessary, using detergents. When these parts acquire their original appearance, they can be put back in place.
Low water pressure The coarse filter is clogged

Before tightening the plug, you must ensure that the gasket is intact, and if it is damaged, you should use a new one or sealing agents in compliance with the prescribed rules for the use of these materials.
Low water pressure The coarse filter is clogged

First, screw the plug in by hand until it is possible. Then you need to use an adjustable wrench and tighten the plug until it stops. Now all that remains is to turn on the tap that shuts off the water and make sure that there is no water leakage.

In custody

To increase reliability and extend the life of the filter without cleaning, before installing the mesh and plug, open the tap slightly so that a stream of water removes any remaining particles from the pipe.
If this filter is installed in front of a water flow meter, then its nut is usually sealed together with the water meter. Therefore, to clean the filter mesh, it is imperative to invite a representative of the organization that sealed the meter.

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Comments (3)
  1. Timokha1
    #1 Timokha1 Guests 15 January 2019 20:24
    and if it is sealed, then you won’t be able to unscrew or clean anything!
    1. Sector
      #2 Sector Guests 28 February 2019 13:54
      The filter cover cannot be sealed.
  2. Sector
    #3 Sector Guests 28 February 2019 13:53
    Do you also have a fine filter? Lucky you.