How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

It often becomes necessary to install a new faucet into the water riser instead of an old faucet that has stopped holding water. It seems that there shouldn’t be any problems: you turn out or cut off the old fittings using a grinder, electric or gas welding, and screw or weld a new analogue in its place.
Yes, this will be so if it is possible to turn off the water using another tap or valve. But most often they are not there, and if they are, they have long been out of order and do not perform their direct functions, that is, they do not hold water. Sometimes, as a result of numerous reconstructions of a building, alterations or redevelopments, their location may even be forgotten or it turned out to be completely inaccessible.
It seems that the situation has become hopeless. However, don't despair. Now we will try to implement our plans using simple and quite accessible tools and materials and, nevertheless, install a new product instead of the old faucet.

Materials and tools used

For this work we will need the following tools and materials:
  • an adjustable wrench for unscrewing an old, worn-out faucet;
  • an open-end or socket wrench of the appropriate size;
  • squeegee (a piece of pipe with a thread at one end);
  • FUM tape;
  • a special device for shutting off water in the riser outlet;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • new faucet.

How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

Pipe sealing device

It is probably necessary to briefly describe the design of the device for shutting off the water and its operation. It is a pin, at one end of which a valve made of elastic material is attached - a piece of rubber hose, and at the other end a nut is screwed on. And between them there is a piece of pipe into which the pin fits freely. The length of the pipe should be shorter than the section of the stud from the valve to approximately the middle of the thread, so that after installing the device in the right place, it is possible to tighten the nut on the stud and, thereby, compress the elastic valve, sealing the annular gap between it and the inner wall of the riser outlet pipe.
How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

Pressure tap replacement process

Since it was not possible to turn off the water, it is barely contained under pressure by the old tap, which at any moment can give an even bigger leak. It is necessary to act very quickly and it is highly advisable to act together.
How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

You should, as quickly as possible, use an adjustable wrench to unscrew the used tap and insert, overcoming the water pressure, the sealing device into the outlet to the required depth.
How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

I turned on the tap and the pressure came out.
How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

We insert the device.
How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

Then, holding it in the pipe, use a wrench to tighten the nut on the rod of the fixture until water stops flowing from the gap between the steel extension and the fixture.
How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

Now you can, without fear of leaks, cut off part of the outlet using a grinder.Moreover, the location of the cut must be marked, not reaching the section where the valve of the device seals the outlet of the riser. After complete separation, the piece of pipe should be carefully removed without forcing the device too much.
How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

To imagine how the new faucet will be located on the pipe, you can try it on in place, placing the wing on top, side or bottom, to determine the most convenient position during operation.
How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

The next stage is very important: using electric welding, it is necessary to weld a squeegee to the outlet, onto which we will later screw a new tap. Before starting welding work, to ensure a reliable connection, you can make a small chamfer at the end of the cut pipe using a metal file. It is usually already available at the stages. This will allow the weld to fit well into the formed recess and ensure the quality, tightness and reliability of the connection.
How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

After the squeegee has cooled, several layers of FUM tape should be wound onto its threads in the screwing direction, i.e. clockwise. This will increase the tightness of the fit of the new valve on the runoff and the tightness of the connection point. You need to screw on the tap with one hand, slowly and carefully, especially at the beginning, so as to get into the thread and not accidentally break it. At the very end, you can tighten it with a key, but at a small angle.
How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

After the final installation of the new faucet, it is time to unscrew the sealing device. It is necessary to loosen the nut using a wrench and slightly move the rod towards the riser in order to release the elastic element in the longitudinal direction, which will allow it to lengthen and at the same time decrease in cross section. Now, without hesitation, we pull out the device, rocking it from side to side, and quickly close the new valve.The job has been successfully completed.
How to replace a faucet without turning off the water


The pipe sealing device should be checked before use, especially if it has not been used for a long time. The elastic element acting as a valve must not have cracks or tears. The threads on the rod must be cleaned of dust, dirt, rust and lubricated with some oil. Then run the nut along the thread from end to end several times.
To seal the thread between the outlet and the tap, instead of FUM tape, it is preferable to use a universal nylon cord impregnated with a special sealing compound. It is more reliable, is not afraid of cold and heat, and is not weakened by vibration.
How to replace a faucet without turning off the water

It is not recommended to change the faucet on the hot water riser in this way. And in general, if you have at least some opportunity to block the riser, then you should take advantage of it, and use this method only as a last resort.

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Comments (31)
  1. Guest Alexey
    #1 Guest Alexey Guests 15 October 2018 13:06
    I have already changed valves on risers using this method.
    A very important point.You need to have a device - a drill or a cutter (I had a cutter) to clean the inside of the pipe from salt deposits. Especially in the cold. water. Otherwise, this device will surprise you by refusing to climb into an overgrown pipe from which water is gushing.
  2. Nikitos
    #2 Nikitos Guests 15 October 2018 14:03
    The device is very necessary and interesting, it’s a pity that I didn’t know about it before. Thank you!
  3. Guest Igor
    #3 Guest Igor Guests 15 October 2018 18:10
    The Germans have one device that freezes water in a pipe, thanks to which various manipulations can be done with it (the pipe). The truth is very expensive.
  4. Alexander Zubarev
    #4 Alexander Zubarev Guests 15 October 2018 18:21
    You don’t need anything, no electric welding, no devices or other crap. All you need is a piece of rubber hose with cord, in common parlance - a hose, of the required size. You can find it in any rubber goods store or in spare parts for trucks and agricultural machinery.
    We have been repairing steam and water heating pipes with such sleeves for many years, and the result is always excellent - quickly and reliably.
    Anyone in doubt should remember that such hoses are installed in the cooling and heating systems of all cars, and the coolant temperature there is exactly the same, up to 110 degrees.
    1. Nikolay Rombaev
      #5 Nikolay Rombaev Guests 18 October 2018 01:49
      And what? Will the faucet hang on this hose? If you advise, then write in detail.
  5. al0253
    #6 al0253 Guests 15 October 2018 19:14
    That's just what they do. Everything is covered in “phlegm”, everything is covered in dirt...
    There is a special tee with a seal installed around the pipe.
    Place the tee, screw the ball valve onto it, drill the seal through the hole in the valve with a hand drill and drill the pipe with a drill slightly smaller in diameter than the hole in the ball. As soon as the drill goes through the tap when removing it, close it and... that’s it.
    1. Vitaly
      #7 Vitaly Guests 27 January 2019 19:29
      Advice. A clamp with a bend is not always good. 1) Can only be installed on a “fresh” pipe. 2) Will weaken over the years. The sealing gasket underneath will become unusable. On a hot pipeline, the period is several times shorter. )) The best option in this case is electric arc welding with all fire safety measures. And when drilling, it is more practical to use an electric drill. Before drilling a hole, a rubber block with a diameter larger than the shut-off valve is pulled tightly onto the drill. After drilling, an assistant pulls the plug from the socket (or another way to turn off the power). After this, pull out the drill and turn off the tap. Before starting work, put on rubber boots and a rubber apron. When finished, treat the weld seam and areas of the adjacent pipeline with an anti-corrosion agent. I personally practiced it many times (over 20 years). Not a single complaint the whole time. It is very practical for inserting into the existing pipeline of private buildings (dacha villages) where there is a centralized water supply.
    2. Vitaly
      #8 Vitaly Guests 27 January 2019 20:04
      By the way, pipelines for newly built central heating stations are installed in this way. Only the diameters are different. Special factory tools are used for drilling. But they are quite expensive and are available from large construction companies. Don't turn off an entire city block or district.
  6. Guest Nikolay
    #9 Guest Nikolay Guests 15 October 2018 20:25
    You just unscrew the old faucet, and screw on a new open faucet in its place, then the faucet closes and that’s it.
  7. A.G.
    #10 A.G. Guests 16 October 2018 03:34
    My plumber simply brought dry ice and a cardboard box, made some cutouts on the box so that it would allow ice to be poured “around” the pipe, and after about 15 minutes, when the water in the pipe froze (pressure about 100 psi), he simply replaced the old faucet.
    1. Vitaly
      #11 Vitaly Guests 27 January 2019 17:55
      Everything is good and correct. Only when applied to relatively new pipes and despite all this, there is a fear of pipe rupture during defrosting.
  8. Guest Sergey
    #12 Guest Sergey Guests October 16, 2018 06:51
    and I’ll just call a welder with a plumber and they’ll do everything quickly, cleanly and neatly
  9. Guest Dmitry
    #13 Guest Dmitry Guests October 16, 2018 11:32
    My father turned a piece of wood to fit the inner diameter of the pipe. I hammered it into the hole shallowly but firmly (overcoming the flow of water). A thread was cut on top of the piece of wood directly onto the pipe. They took out a piece of wood. They screwed on the open tap. They closed it. All. It's still standing.
  10. Guest Vlad
    #14 Guest Vlad Guests 16 October 2018 12:38
    I wound the tape counterclockwise. The tap began to tighten on the third attempt, although it could have been rewinded.
    1. Afonya
      #15 Afonya Guests 17 October 2018 16:05
      I'm sure I noticed that too, poor plumber