The faucet is leaking, we are repairing a single lever mixer

The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

When water starts leaking from a kitchen or bath faucet, it's bad from any angle. It’s unpleasant to see a wet faucet, sink or sink every day and pay extra money for unused liters of water. But what is most dangerous is the risk of a possible flood due to a device that was not repaired in a timely manner.
The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

Let's consider one of the most common plumbing products - a single-lever cartridge-type faucet with one control lever. If you notice that water is leaking between the body of this faucet and the adjustment knob, then the cartridge is probably not in order, which is either worn out and requires replacement, or is very dirty and needs deep cleaning.
To accurately determine the cause of a leaking faucet, it should be disassembled. This is not so easy to do, especially if the device has been in service for many years without disassembly, and the water is hard due to the content of impurities in the form of calcium and magnesium salts.
It should be noted that at first, the appearance of a leak can sometimes be stopped with the help of several turns of the handle in all directions.But then these manipulations do not give the desired result.
Do you really have to replace the entire faucet? But it is better to return to this costly option when other options have been exhausted. It’s worth trying to disassemble it and see what’s wrong. You may be able to cut costs by replacing only the worn part. Most often, this turns out to be the cartridge itself.

Replacing the old cartridge with a new one

For the job, we don’t need too many tools: a flat-blade screwdriver or a hexagon of a suitable size and an adjustable or gas wrench.
The first thing you need to do is remove the hot and cold water indicator plug on the front under the handle. Its second function is to close and protect the screw that secures the handle to the tap from moisture and dirt.
The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

Sometimes you can remove it without difficulty, just pry it with the tip of a flat screwdriver on one side or the other, and then it leaves its place. In other cases, over many years of use, it becomes so clogged with dirt, grease and other debris that there is no way to move it without damaging it. But, what can you do, you have to do this too, otherwise you won’t be able to get to the latch that holds the handle on the tap.
The screw does not need to be completely unscrewed, the main thing is that it does not interfere with removing the handle. By the way, most often its dismantling does not go smoothly.
The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

The problems are still the same: dirt, grease, hardness salts contained in the water, etc.
Between the handle and the faucet body there is a decorative cap, which also serves as a base, and the joystick seat moves along it when opening and closing the water and adjusting its temperature. It should also be unscrewed.If you use a tool, you need to be quite careful: the part is very delicate and can be easily damaged.
The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

After removing the cap, we are exposed to a plastic cartridge secured in the mixer body with a nut. The most crucial moment of disassembly comes, but before that it is necessary to turn off the supply of hot and cold water.
We unscrew the nut using an adjustable or gas wrench, the jaws of which can move apart up to 32 mm. Then you need to lift the cartridge vertically up to pull its protrusions out of the holes in the mixer body.
The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

Now you need to go to the store with the old cartridge to buy exactly the same one.
The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

Without this, it is difficult to purchase a similar specimen, since they differ both in size and in the location and configuration of the holes.
The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

We insert the new cartridge into the faucet body in such a position that it aligns with the holes in the faucet for hot and cold water, and the protrusions on the cartridge coincide with the holes in the mixer seat. The correct installation should also be confirmed by the angle of rotation of the handle (it should coincide with the range of movement on the old cartridge).
The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

Next, tighten the nut that holds the cartridge. The degree of tightening should be optimal. If it is weak, the tap will continue to leak; if you overtighten, you can break the cartridge body. Also, over-tightening the nut will result in the need to apply great force to the handle and will cause unreasonably rapid wear of the cartridge.
The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

Now you should put the handle in place, making sure that the locking screw does not interfere with this (its tip should not protrude into the gap of the seat square), and check the operation of the crane in various modes by changing the position of the joystick.
The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

Then, having removed the handle, we install the decorative cap in place. We finally put the faucet control lever in place, tighten the fixing screw to the end and close it with a decorative protective plug, making sure that it is in the correct position, indicating which side is hot and which side is cold.
The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

The faucet is leaking, repairing a single lever mixer

Cartridge repair

In some cases, a leak in the faucet can be fixed without replacing the cartridge. It is enough to remove the handle and decorative cap and tighten the clamping nut a little, but do not overdo it, otherwise the cartridge body may crack.
If tightening the nut does not help, then you can try to disassemble the cartridge, which consists of two halves, the upper of which is movable and the lower is stationary. Sometimes it is enough to wipe them with a cotton cloth, lubricate the surfaces with neutral oil and reassemble the device.
In other cases, grinding of the ceramic plates may be necessary. It is better to carry out the work on the surface of smooth glass. To do this, you will need fine sandpaper or sanding paste. Then the plates must be thoroughly washed and a thin layer of silicone grease applied to their surface.
If there is no desire to disassemble and repair the cartridge or it is non-separable, then the only option is replacement. For it to be successful, before installing a new cartridge, you should prepare a place for it by removing dirt and ceramic particles that have accumulated over the years of operation of the faucet, which can form when the plates rub against each other.

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Comments (7)
  1. Evgeny Lisovsky
    #1 Evgeny Lisovsky Guests December 17, 2018 11:21
    There is only one piece of advice for everyone - don’t read nonsense about cartridge repairs, it’s idiotic! cheap and cheerful - just a replacement. One caveat - there is a silicone lubricant for this, namely lubricant, when you install a new faucet - don’t be lazy, disassemble it and lubricate all the threads and rubbing places, then when you change the cartridge, the threads are also there, and there will be no problems with the faucet.
  2. Alexander Fadeev
    #2 Alexander Fadeev Guests 17 December 2018 14:38
    When I saw that the cartridge clamping nut was being unscrewed with a pipe wrench, I had no doubt that later in the article we would talk about repairing the cartridge itself. Don’t even think about falling for this nonsense... how about grinding ceramic plates on sandpaper... Then sharpening the knives on it, scissors...and then use it in the toilet ;)
  3. gogon
    #3 gogon Guests 17 December 2018 18:27
    It’s even simpler - you don’t need to buy this beautiful feces! It's not practical and it's a hassle! These mixers produce either boiling water or ice. But not warm water! I also checked in thieves' hotels. Buy regular lamb. Cheap? But it is maintainable and practical!
    1. Serj
      #4 Serj Guests December 18, 2018 10:57
      It is immediately clear that you were dealing with a cheap gas (if at all). Expensive faucets work for at least 10 years without replacing the cartridge (even domestically produced - for example St. Petersburg). Cartridges are of course replaced, not repaired.
    2. Igor
      #5 Igor Guests 18 July 2019 17:38
      Don't buy Chinese fakes and you will be happy.
  4. Guest Alexander
    #6 Guest Alexander Guests 28 July 2019 16:44
    Replacing the cartridge of a ceramic single-lever faucet in the kitchen. A simple and accessible guide that even the armless can master.
  5. Guest Alexander
    #7 Guest Alexander Guests 28 July 2019 16:45
    Spontaneous lowering of the handle of a single-lever mixer in the kitchen without buying a new one and replacing it. The problem is the spontaneous lowering of the handle of a faucet with a ceramic cartridge. Solving the problem in 5 minutes without replacing the cartridge and, accordingly, without wasting money on new ones and wasting time on going to the hardware store.