White-winged gliders, airplane made from ceiling tiles

Recently, small models of gliders made from EPP, or, in other words, from ceiling tiles, have begun to appear in toy stores. Of course, such a toy flies beautifully, can withstand many flights and can be used anywhere, but the prices are steep - $9 apiece. But you can also make a homemade model by spending no more than 30 rubles on an airplane! So, let's start sculpting our toy.

butterfly model

*ceiling tiles without relief pattern
*PVA glue
*pine slats 4x4 mm
*clothes pegs
*pins or needles
*pens, markers, etc.
*stationery knife
*fine skin on a block

cut out templates

First you need to print and cut out the templates for the airplane.


It is advisable to glue the printout to cardboard. Then attach them to the tile, secure with buttons and draw the wing, stabilizer and keel.

cut out

do not touch the workpiece lines

Afterwards, we remove the templates and cut out the workpiece with a stationery knife (or a medical scalpel) with an allowance of 1-2 mm.

cut with a utility knife

Be careful not to touch the workpiece lines.

You need to handle it with confidence

Now you need to process the workpieces.We mark the boundary lines, take a block with sandpaper and give a profile to the wing and stabilizers using back and forth movements.


gave the details the desired shape

aircraft parts

Wing profile

You need to process it confidently, smoothly, without jerking, otherwise you can ruin the part. Of course, you can give a profile with a heated iron, but this method does not always work.

you can add a profile

with a heated iron

If you have given the parts the desired shape, then you can start gluing. Never grab the Moment glue! Solvents will turn the plane into mush, so you need to use PVA glue. A rail 18-25 cm long is smeared with glue on one side and the other, and left for 5 minutes so that the glue is absorbed into the wood. The middle of the stabilizer and wing is marked and the bottom is coated with glue along the middle line. Next, we secure everything with clothespins, the keel is attached with pins to the wing also along the midline.

secure everything with clothespins

the keel is attached with pins

wing also along the midline

After 5-8 hours, you can remove the fastenings and configure the model. To do this, launch the glider by hand and watch how it flies. If it gains altitude sharply, stick plasticine to the nose, if it dives, to the tail or bend the stabilizer down. Happy flying!

White-winged gliders
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Comments (4)
  1. Nik
    #1 Nik Guests 12 May 2015 15:24
    PVA is a bad choice. Better glue for ceilings: it will glue both the wood and the ceiling together. Then even tear it off with your teeth - it won’t work
  2. uh
    #2 uh Guests 21 September 2015 23:02
    or better yet, hot glue
  3. Lada
    #3 Lada Guests 23 April 2016 23:56
    He flies well, we just have a competition and I want to win.
  4. Nestor
    #4 Nestor Guests 15 January 2018 21:23
    Brilliantly simple. I will definitely do it. One question, are the dimensions in centimeters? Wing span, wing width, etc.