Manufacturing of facing tiles

You can try making tiles for finishing indoor walls from gypsum, gypsum mixture or gypsum plaster. Moreover, nowadays there are a variety of special molds for casting tiles on sale. Although you can use any other form: a plastic food container, an oven tray, even a rectangular tray. Or you can make a mold yourself from wooden planks.
The mixture for casting tiles must be prepared from dry gypsum or gypsum plaster - it can also be purchased at the same store. The dry mixture should be diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream or pancake batter.

Manufacturing of facing tiles

The mold must be slightly moistened with water before pouring. Then the master must apply and level the diluted plaster into it to the required level. Since they usually make not one, but many tiles, it is recommended to mark the fill level on the form with paint of a contrasting color. Now the form needs to be placed on a flat surface, parallel to the level of the Earth. The plaster hardens within 2-3 hours in the fresh air. But it’s better to wait until it hardens completely, which can take a whole day.You can also use a microwave oven, then the hardening time is reduced to 3-4 minutes. But not all forms can fit in the microwave.

When the tile hardens, it needs to be removed from the mold. If there is a problem when removing the product from the mold, it is recommended to place the bottom of the mold in hot water for a few minutes. When turning the mold over to release the tile, it should be on a soft surface so that the tile does not break when falling out of the mold.

Now you can give the front surface of the tile the color that you require to decorate the room. To paint plaster, you can use a variety of paints, from watercolor to oil. It is quite acceptable to use coloring, drawing on it what you want. What if someone decides to “capture” the artistic talent of their offspring in this way? This is simply wonderful and very creative! Children's drawings will delight parents on the walls, and they won't fade or collect dust, and you won't need to hammer nails into the wall to secure them.

You can also use bright stickers as decoration. They can also be purchased in stores. But some can also use ordinary appliqués, cutting them out, for example, from old magazines or printing them out. The pictures are simply pasted onto the surface of the tile.
When the front surface of the tile is completely dry, it can be varnished. At this stage of production, any colorless varnishes will be suitable as a coating. If the tile was covered with oil paint or enamel without using stickers, then you can simply cover the tile again with the same paint.
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Comments (2)
  1. ka-50bs
    #1 ka-50bs Guests August 9, 2013 06:59
    Yes, I remember, approximately the same method was in the magazine Young Technician, but there they burned plaster
  2. Oleg
    #2 Oleg Guests 6 March 2014 16:33
    And how did you have the courage to post such horror for everyone to see? :(