Garden. Page 14

Master classes:

There will be no flies left on your site if you make this flytrap from one and a half rubles

In the summer, as soon as you set the table outside in the shade, green flies immediately appear out of nowhere and begin to circle over the meat dishes. To forget about this problem, you can make an extremely simple trap and equip it with bait, from

Potatoes come out on their own: a simple potato digger for a walk-behind tractor that is easy to repeat

If, when using a regular potato digger, weed roots and tops remains collect on it, causing the walk-behind tractor to be stopped periodically for cleaning, you can convert it into two stands, and the problem will completely go away. With modernized

Autumn Garden: Top 7 Vibrant Flowers That Bloom in September

Summer is coming to an end and the bright colors of decorative plantings in the gardens are gradually beginning to fade. However, this does not mean that autumn cannot surprise with the same variety of color combinations as in the spring or summer seasons. Many flowers

How to make young trees bear fruit

If young fruit trees still do not begin to bear fruit, then it is necessary to do some simple pruning of the branches. After it, the next year the garden will bloom and produce the first fruits. This method will also help stimulate an adult tree if it

Barren flowers on cucumbers: 6 main reasons and how to deal with them

Barren flowers on cucumbers are one of the common reasons that can affect the amount of harvest. The plant forms buds, however, after the ovary withers, there are no cucumbers. In order to avoid such a problem, you need to use simple methods

Three reasons for the decline in zucchini yields

Among professional and amateur vegetable growers, zucchini, like zucchini, is considered one of the most unpretentious pumpkin crops. When properly caring for a squash plantation, a stable harvest of juicy greens is guaranteed. And choosing

How to make a fruit crusher driven by an angle grinder

To grind fruit into puree for squeezing juice on a press, you can assemble a simple crusher driven by a grinder. To make it, you don’t need welding, a lathe or other complex equipment; an angle grinder and a drill are enough.

A super way for 100 percent rooting of cuttings of any plants

Most indoor and garden plants can be propagated using cuttings. But with this method, sometimes bad luck arises: the lower parts or already formed young roots begin to rot. We have to cut off the rotten fragments and try

How to make a powerful juicer from a washing machine

The drum from the washing machine is made of stainless steel, which allows it to be used as a base for assembling a centrifugal juicer capable of pressing fruit juice on an almost industrial scale. The resulting

100% way to germinate grape cuttings, I always do it this way

Cuttings are the most convenient way to propagate grapes, since it takes less time to obtain a seedling than when fiddling with a seed, and the mother bush itself does not suffer, as when separating layerings. So that everything prepared for disembarkation

How to make a summer graft on the trunk of an old tree

An old tree on the site can be used as a rootstock for grafting new varieties. As a result, in a few years it will be possible to collect fruits of different colors, tastes and ripening periods from it.

How to turn an apple seed into a tree

To get a seedling from an apple seed, you must first awaken it to growth. If you just plant it in the ground, the sprout will not appear. Getting a seed to germinate is not at all difficult; it can be done even in an ordinary apartment.

Colorado potato beetle poison from the grocery store

Spraying potatoes with poisons to combat the Colorado potato beetle is fraught with the accumulation of toxic substances in the tubers. The resulting crop becomes hazardous to health. To minimize the use of chemicals, treatment can be done periodically

How to make a powerful juicer and solve the problem with a bunch of apples

To squeeze juice out of large quantities of apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots or grapes, you need a press.They can process hundreds of kilograms of fruit in a matter of hours. For greater results, you need to load crushed fruits into it. Let's consider

There will be no more blossom end rot in tomatoes if you water them with this product.

When there is a lack of calcium in the soil, blossom end rot appears on tomatoes. Vegetables affected by this disease are thrown away, so the lion's share of the harvest simply does not reach the table. To prevent and treat blossom end rot and late blight, you can water

100% sure way to get a seedling of any tree

To get a seedling of the fruit tree you like, you don’t need to grow a rootstock from a seed and know how to graft. There is a simpler way that allows you to form a seedling with almost one hundred percent survival rate.

A one-time treatment using this method will get rid of ants forever

Ants in moderate numbers on a site are beneficial, but when there are a lot of anthills, the insects noticeably eat up the young roots of garden crops, spoil fruits and berries, and most importantly breed aphids on trees. You can get rid of them

Tricky cherry picker from PET bottles in 5 minutes

Cherry berries located on the upper branches are extremely difficult to get. If the tree is young and does not have a thick trunk, then you cannot climb it, and there are not always enough stairs. To collect berries from hard-to-reach places, you can make a simple

Aphids fear this product like fire, we save trees without chemicals

When aphids appear in the garden, you need to get rid of them immediately. If you leave the trees as they are, you can forget about a good harvest, since aphids destroy all growth points of young leaves and shoots.To combat this pest you can use

After a year of storage, garlic is like fresh, the best way to preserve the harvest

Often harvested garlic spoils before the next harvest. It turns out that no matter how much you plant it, the reserves rot, mold or dry out, so by the beginning of summer or even earlier you have to buy garlic in the store. So that he doesn't

How to harden and sharpen a hoe to a razor tip and forget about further sharpening

If the cutting tool is made of bad steel, then ordinary hardening in water will not save it. To correct its softness and increase wear resistance, it can be cyanidated before hardening using yellow blood salt, also known as

We form a seedling of any tree from a branch using toilet paper

From any tree or bush you like, you can form a seedling with roots that will have a high survival rate. In this way you can very quickly and without much effort prepare material for an entire garden from one varietal

How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

To decorate your area, you can make a palm tree from brown and green plastic bottles. This is not at all difficult and quite interesting, besides, the bottles will be put to good use and not thrown into a landfill.

100% protection of the garden from birds

Having a cherry tree, vineyard or strawberry plantation on your plot, you have to fight starlings every year who raid the garden. They peck at the berries, destroying much more than they can eat. A scarecrow is used to scare them away