There will be no more blossom end rot in tomatoes if you water them with this product.

When there is a lack of calcium in the soil, blossom end rot appears on tomatoes. Vegetables affected by this disease are thrown away, so the lion's share of the harvest simply does not reach the table. To prevent and treat blossom end rot and late blight, you can water tomatoes with a homemade solution of useful micro and macroelements.
Tomato blossom end rot will no longer occur if you water them with this product.

Solution composition:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chalk, dolomite flour or lime;
  • 0.5 liters of table vinegar 9%;
  • 10-12 liters of water;
  • a preparation based on Bacillus subtilis;
  • 100 gr. pressed or 25 gr. dry yeast;
  • 1-1.5 teaspoons of Dimexide.

The process of preparing the solution and processing tomatoes

Chalk, dolomite flour or lime are poured into a small container with vinegar. Once the fizzing is complete, the solution is poured into a bucket of water. For simultaneous prevention against late blight, any drug based on Bacillus subtilis should be added to it. Its quantity is taken according to the manufacturer's instructions based on a water volume of 10-12 liters. Next, the remaining ingredients are poured in and the solution is mixed.
The product can be used for root and basal feeding. Dimexide present in its composition promotes better absorption of micro and macroelements by tomatoes. The yeast in the composition is a phytostimulant.
Tomato blossom end rot will no longer occur if you water them with this product.

Thus, the product simultaneously prevents blossom end rot and late blight, and also further accelerates growth and maturation. It can be used for prevention and to eliminate blossom end rot. It will not save already damaged tomatoes, but the new ovary will be healthy.

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