How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

To decorate your area, you can make a palm tree from brown and green plastic bottles. This is not at all difficult and quite interesting, besides, the bottles will be put to good use and not thrown into a landfill.
How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles


  • brown and green PET bottles 2 l;
  • 1/2 inch pipe;
  • steel rod or wire 4 mm.

How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

Palm making process

A pipe is driven into the ground at the location of the palm tree. It will serve as the frame of the trunk. Its height will correspond to the height of the palm tree. Next, the bottom of the brown bottles is cut off and they are cut lengthwise from the cut side.
How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

You need to cut narrow strips 3-4 cm long. Then all of them, or in random order with gaps in several strips, are folded at right angles outward.
How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

Prepared brown bottles without caps are placed on the pipe to the top. If there are not enough of them, you can place a 0.5 liter bottle on top.
How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

Green bottles are used to make palm leaves. The bottom of them is also cut off, then they unfold lengthwise to the shoulders into 3 or 4 parts. The resulting wide strips are cut on the sides to fit the shape of the leaf.
How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

The sheet blanks need to be cut at an angle on the sides to imitate the feathers of a real palm tree. After this, a hole is drilled in the lid of the leaf bottle corresponding to the diameter of the existing rod.
How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

4 arched frames for palm branches are prepared from a rod or wire. Bends are made at one edge of the workpieces. After this, bottles simulating sheets are put on the rods.
How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

Drilled caps are installed between them; this will reduce the consumption of green bottles, the cutting of which takes a lot of time.
How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

The protruding edges of the rods on the workpieces are bent down. The result is hooks that are inserted into the pipe of the palm tree trunk.
How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

To secure the branches, you need to plan a wooden wedge and hammer it into the pipe between the rods. He will wedge them, and they will not go anywhere.
How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

If desired, you can refine the transition between the trunk and branches. To do this, a green bottle is cut into strips and tied to the top of the trunk, but you can do without this. You can also decorate the palm tree with small balls or balls imitating coconuts.
How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

When making a palm tree, it is important to realistically evaluate the available reserves of material, so as not to overdo it with the height of the trunk, the number and length of branches, since a lot of bottles are used. For the palm tree in the example, 14 brown, 40 green bottles and 80 caps were used.
How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

How to make a beautiful palm tree for the garden from PET bottles

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