Wicker candy bowl made from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles can become indispensable assistants when decorating a summer cottage. Craftsmen have long learned to use waste material to decorate flower beds and local areas. And such a wonderful wicker candy bowl will fit quite harmoniously into the interior of a gazebo or table on the porch of a country house.
Making crafts from plastic bottles is not difficult. It will only take 30-40 minutes to make this original candy bowl.
Wicker candy bowl from a bottle

For crafts preparing:
- two plastic bottles
- scissors.
In this case, the bottles should be of different colors, but of the same volume. We are not interested in the shape of the neck, but the diameter of the base (bottom) circumference must match.
Wicker candy bowl from a bottle

First, cut off the upper part of a brown plastic bottle approximately along the line where the narrowing of the bottle towards the neck begins.
Wicker candy bowl from a bottle

Cut the resulting tall glass into centimeter strips.
Wicker candy bowl from a bottle

In the middle of the white bottle we will mark four points, the distance between which is 1 cm. We will cut out three rings.
Wicker candy bowl from a bottle

Now we will place the first ring inside the glass and through one we will push the brown stripes under the ring.Thus, we will get a result in which some of the stripes will remain on the outside of the ring, and some will remain inside it. We will also weave other rings. However, in the second row, those stripes that remained outside during the first weaving will go inside the ring. We do the third row in the same way as the first circle.
Wicker candy bowl from a bottle

Wicker candy bowl from a bottle

You can braid the first and subsequent rows in an alternative way, collecting the strips in a bun and putting a ring on them. It is quite possible that the second option will seem easier to someone.
Wicker candy bowl from a bottle

We ended up with a wicker basket in which white transparent rings on the outside of the product formed square pockets.
Wicker candy bowl from a bottle

We use through pockets for their intended purpose; we insert the ends of the brown stripes into them.
Wicker candy bowl from a bottle

Wicker candy bowl from a bottle

The work is almost coming to an end. If you leave two strips on opposite sides of the basket and connect them together with glue, you will get a mushroom basket.
Wicker candy bowl from a bottle

Finally, the wicker candy bowl is ready.
Wicker candy bowl from a bottle

All that remains is to pour sweets into it: chocolate bars and caramels.
Wicker candy bowl from a bottle

Such wicker products, made with your own hands from plastic bottles, can be safely used as flowerpots for artificial bouquets, stands for flower pots, feeders and for other purposes.
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Comments (1)
  1. Angelinka
    #1 Angelinka Guests 22 August 2017 23:41
    A very cute candy bowl. Previously, rugs were woven in a similar way. I have already figured out where I will use this technique - I will make flowerpots for indoor flowers, it will look original.