How to turn an apple seed into a tree

How to turn an apple seed into a tree

To get a seedling from an apple seed, you must first awaken it to growth. If you just plant it in the ground, the sprout will not appear. Getting a seed to germinate is not at all difficult; it can be done even in an ordinary apartment.

What you will need:

  • napkin;
  • zip bag;
  • peat tablet;
  • priming;
  • pot.

How to turn an apple seed into a tree

Apple seed germination process

To increase the chances of getting a seedling, you should prepare several seeds at once, collected from ripe apples of the variety you like.
How to turn an apple seed into a tree

They are wrapped in a dampened napkin or paper towel.
How to turn an apple seed into a tree

How to turn an apple seed into a tree

Then the envelope with the seeds is closed in a zip bag and placed in the refrigerator for stratification for 3 weeks under the freezer.
How to turn an apple seed into a tree

How to turn an apple seed into a tree

After 3 weeks, the apple seeds will germinate.
How to turn an apple seed into a tree

They must be carefully planted in peat or coconut seedling tablets.
How to turn an apple seed into a tree

The tablets themselves are placed in the soil in a pot and watered.
How to turn an apple seed into a tree

When the seedlings become stronger, they can be transplanted into open ground, preferably in late spring or autumn.

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