How to germinate seeds for seedlings in 24 hours

How to germinate seeds in 24 hours

Is it possible to germinate seeds for seedlings overnight? Quite!
I really love growing seedlings and plants for my garden. And somehow I decided to search on the Internet how to germinate seeds in a quick way. One of the foreign sources described the method of “scarification of seeds.”
It turns out that if you germinate seeds in the usual classical way, then most of the entire process time is spent on soaking the seed shell and allowing moisture to reach the body itself.
The scarification method is the process of removing part of the seed's protective shell to allow moisture to directly reach the kernel.

Materials needed

  • Dried seeds you need for germination.
  • Paper napkin or towel.
  • Sandpaper or wire cutters.
  • Water.
  • Ziploc bag or regular plastic bag.

How to germinate seeds in 24 hours

Rapid germination process

We take a seed, and it doesn’t matter what kind of plant it is. This simple method can be applied to any crops and seeds.
How to germinate seeds in 24 hours

Using sandpaper, grind a piece of the shell down to the body of the seed. This can also be done with regular nail pieces. It is only necessary to damage part of the protective shell to provide access to water.
How to germinate seeds in 24 hours

The result should be a seed like this with the side part cut off.
How to germinate seeds in 24 hours

Now packaging. Take a paper napkin and moisten it generously with water. We place the treated seeds on it at a short distance from each other. And we put the whole thing in a zip bag. Place it in a preferably warm place and wait.
How to germinate seeds in 24 hours

The result is this: that 10 seeds out of 20 sprouted in about 13-15 hours! This is even in less than 24 hours! After 24 hours, the rest will also germinate.
How to germinate seeds in 24 hours

How to germinate seeds in 24 hours

This is an amazing method that saves your time.

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You may be interested in an English-language video on this topic. Look - it's interesting.

Original article in English
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Comments (3)
  1. Vadim
    #1 Vadim Guests 30 March 2018 16:37
    well, well..... What about peppers or tomatoes?
  2. Sergio
    #2 Sergio Guests 30 March 2018 21:38
    Polyethylene is constantly called cellophane, but it is a completely different material. And this stupidity is passed on from generation to generation.
    1. gerdas
      #3 gerdas Guests 20 April 2018 19:49
      Cellophane is made from cellulose. those. it is environmentally friendly, at least eat it. And polyethylene chemistry