Tricks of compacted tomato picking

If tomato seedlings are grown not far from the garden, then there is no need to invent innovations. However, plants often have to be transported, and it is not always possible to use personal transport for this. Growing tomato seedlings is not difficult, but delivering them intact to the planting site is more difficult.
Under such circumstances, compacted picks can be used. With their help we:
  • rationally use the space on the windowsill;
  • we grow the required number of seedlings, without additional space, cups, or soil;
  • We can safely transport seedlings by public transport;
  • We quickly and efficiently plant tomatoes in open ground without violating the integrity of the earthen coma.

Space saving

In apartment conditions, growing a large amount of seedling material is quite difficult. Every spring for a gardener is accompanied by mental ordeals about what to sow and what not. After all, you really want to sow everything, and more. But, unfortunately, the window sills are not dimensionless and we have to refuse to plant the desired varieties.
Having tried the proposed method once, you will be convinced that you can rationally use the available space and not deny yourself excesses.
Sowing tomatoes is carried out, as always, in a pot or any other container. When the seedlings are ready for picking, and this is the stage of two true leaves as in the photo, you can start picking into individual pots.
Tricks of compacted tomato picking

Selection of containers for picking

Many vegetable growers try to choose a larger container, citing the fact that during cultivation the seedlings will develop a strong root system. However, the botanical features of the tomato are such that the entire stem, falling into the ground, grows roots. When growing seedlings, the main thing for us is not the root system, but the age of the seedlings; it is thanks to this that we “accelerate” fruiting by 60 days.
More experienced vegetable growers do not strive to plant a seedling plant in a large pot, but use 200 g cups, which are quite enough.
Tricks of compacted tomato picking

In our case, we will go even further and pick two plants into one glass.
Since picking is not just seating in different containers, but still working with the root system, the lower part of the root must be bitten off.
Tricks of compacted tomato picking

Tricks of compacted tomato picking

Next, plant the plant closer to the walls of the cup.
Tricks of compacted tomato picking

The seedlings need to be deepened considerably. This will allow you to add soil mixture, and the root ball will grow not in breadth, but along the entire height of the deepened stem. In this way, we will create a root system, and the two plants will develop their space.
Tricks of compacted tomato picking

Sign the landings. Even if you don't have many varieties, label the cups; this will eliminate misunderstandings, especially if you are growing short and tall varieties. If writing the name of the variety is cumbersome, then you can indicate only a tall or short plant, denoting it with two letters “H” and “B”.It is better to mark with a marker; it will not be washed off with water, and after using the cup, the inscription must be erased with a solvent or alcohol.

Features of growing compacted seedlings

Seedlings have special requirements, and this one is no exception. To prevent a tomato plant from stretching out and being “fat,” it is necessary to clearly regulate the temperature and light conditions. Provide the seedlings with low temperature and high illumination, this will allow them to develop the root system and vegetative growth evenly.
Tricks of compacted tomato picking

If apartment conditions do not allow you to grow a lot of good seedlings before 60 days of age, avoid early sowing. Sow some of the seeds later and pick two at a time. This way you will have seedlings in the right quantity. Seeds sown behind schedule will soon catch up with the seed and provide an abundance of fruit.
By resorting to such a trick, you can painlessly grow the required number of seedlings and transfer them to the planting site.
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Comments (1)
  1. Katya-0802
    #1 Katya-0802 Guests 26 August 2017 18:16
    I'll take note. I am a beginner amateur gardener and am just learning all the intricacies of the process: greenhouses, seedlings.Next spring I’ll try to implement the advice about picking into reality :)