Pepper for seedlings

Pepper is a popular vegetable on the Russian table. The high content of vitamins, micro- and macroelements helps keep the body in good shape. A distinctive feature of sweet and bitter peppers is that when stored fresh, they practically do not lose vitamin C for 30-60 days. Pepper is a heat-loving plant, but thanks to breeders, it can be grown in open ground in almost all regions of Russia. A prerequisite for obtaining a pepper harvest is growing seedlings. First you need to decide on the varieties of sweet and bitter peppers. Popular varieties of peppers for growing in open ground.


pepper Shanghai

The variety produces a harvest very early, about three months after the sprouts hatch. The peppers are large, up to 12 cm long, and are harvested green.

Siberian prince
Early pepper, the fruits are shaped like narrowed, elongated cones. They begin to harvest when the fruits acquire a yellow color, and when they are fully ripe, they become glossy red.


pepper Kolobok

An early variety with round-shaped fruits, slightly flattened below. It has very fleshy walls. Gives a stable harvest even in unfavorable weather conditions. One of the most popular among gardeners.


Pepper Blonde

The harvest can be harvested three and a half months after the sprouts appear. Large fruits up to 250 grams; if agricultural techniques are followed, you can harvest more than 8 kg per square meter. When ripe it acquires a bright yellow color.


Tevere pepper

Medium variety, with beautiful rich yellow peppers. The fruits are very large, the wall thickness is up to 1 cm.

One of the latest varieties. The harvest ripens in the middle of the fifth month after germination. Very resistant to many diseases, fruits are shaped like a pointed cone, green and yellow.

Ring of Fire

pepper Ring of fire

Early hot pepper with a typical "chili" taste. The fruits are narrow, up to 12 - 15 cm long, the color changes from green to rich red. After selecting the desired varieties, it is necessary to sow pepper seeds for seedlings in a timely manner. We sow seedlings of sweet pepper and hot pepper.

Step 1 Fill the seedling containers with soil (for nightshade crops). Be sure to provide drainage holes.

Filling with soil

Step 2. Water the soil generously; it is important to water before the seeds are sown so that they do not become too deeply carried away by the water.
Step 3. The next day, take the seeds out of the packages.


Step 4. Place two to five of them per cup; when sowing in a box, it is advisable to leave at least 3 cm between the seeds.

pepper for seedlings

Step 5. Sprinkle with a thin layer of soil, no thicker than two sizes of pepper seeds. We slightly crush the top layer.
Step 6. Cover with film and place in a warm place.

pepper for seedlings

When the first shoots appear after 8-10, we place them in a well-lit window. For the first week we keep it under film; if the soil dries out, we don’t water it from above, but put it in a tray with water for a while. The dates for sowing pepper seeds for seedlings are February, March. Optimally - from the last ten days of February to the end of March.According to the lunar calendar in 20015, it is recommended to sow pepper seedlings on February 21-23, February 28, March 1, 6, March 23-25.

pepper for seedlings
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