We form a seedling of any tree from a branch using toilet paper

We form a seedling of any tree from a branch using toilet paper

From any tree or bush you like, you can form a seedling with roots that will have a high survival rate. Using this method, you can very quickly and without much effort prepare material for an entire garden from one varietal mother plant.

What you will need:

  • sharp knife;
  • toilet paper;
  • thread, wire, or nylon ties.

The process of obtaining a seedling from a branch

We form a seedling of any tree from a branch using toilet paper

It is necessary to select a branch from a tree or bush that will become the trunk of the future seedling. It is preferable to choose shoots no older than several years. On the branch it is necessary to remove the bark along with the cambium. This is done with a sharp, clean knife. The bark is removed with a ring the width of a finger.
We form a seedling of any tree from a branch using toilet paper

We form a seedling of any tree from a branch using toilet paper

The area cleared of bark is wrapped in toilet paper. It needs to be wound as much as possible. After this, the paper is fixed with threads, wire or ties. It is necessary to tie it on the sides of the exposed area.
We form a seedling of any tree from a branch using toilet paper

We form a seedling of any tree from a branch using toilet paper

We form a seedling of any tree from a branch using toilet paper

After this, the paper is soaked in water. As it dries, spraying is repeated. Do not allow the paper to dry out. You can wrap it in a bag to keep it moist longer.After a couple of weeks or months, depending on the time of year and the type of tree or bush, the paper is carefully unwound and the branch is cut off below the formed roots.
We form a seedling of any tree from a branch using toilet paper

We form a seedling of any tree from a branch using toilet paper

The formed seedling is planted in the ground and watered.
We form a seedling of any tree from a branch using toilet paper

We form a seedling of any tree from a branch using toilet paper

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Comments (1)
  1. Valerij
    #1 Valerij Guests August 10, 2021 08:35
    laughing Super! Thanks for the idea.!