Wood for decorations

As a rule, we women are full of all sorts of trinkets that lie in boxes and boxes, but there are also those that we wear all the time. If there are several pairs of earrings, then it will be more convenient to keep them in sight all the time. So that you can immediately, without wasting time, reach out and take jewelry that matches your outfit or mood! A homemade tree would be an ideal stand for earrings.

To create a tree stand we will need the following:
- wire with a cross section of 0.5-0.7 mm for the frame;
- a bowl for pouring the “foundation”;
- gypsum for the “foundation”;
- floral tape or fabric adhesive plaster (thin);
- PVA glue;
- toilet paper or napkins;
- paints (gouache, acrylic);
- gilding (acrylic, dry bronze, liquid shadows).

you will need the following

Let's start by cutting several pieces of wire and assembling a frame, focusing on how trees look in nature. I advise you to bend the branches as intricately as possible so that each bend is functional, that is, you can hang a pair of earrings on it.

making a frame

We wrap the frame with tape or adhesive plaster.

Wrapping the frame

Wrapping the frame

Wrapping the frame

We dilute the plaster with water to the consistency of thick sour cream and pour it into a mold lined with cellophane.We insert the frame and wait for the gypsum to completely harden, remove the frame from the gypsum foundation and begin to work further.

We dilute the plaster and pour it

Pour PVA glue into a convenient flat container, and, tearing off small pieces of toilet paper, glue it over the trunk and branches of the tree, maintaining the curved shape of the branches.

gluing thin branches

First, we glue larger pieces onto the thick bases of the trunk and branches, gradually moving to smaller ones, gluing them on thin branches.

outlines of cortical projections

By folding paper soaked in glue into bundles, we form naturalistic contours of bark protrusions. After all the wood is done, put it in a warm place to dry for several hours.

dry in a warm place

Since our frame is wire, that is, bendable, and the hardened PVA glue also has plasticity, the tree will be motionless at the base, but will slightly spring at the top and will not break even from heavy decorations. After the tree is completely dry, you can cover it with paints. Acrylic paints are best suited for these purposes, since when dry, the lights form a waterproof film, that is, the product does not require further varnishing. If you use gouache, then after the paint has dried, it is better to coat the wood with varnish. We completely paint the tree with acrylic ocher. Dry it.

cover it with paints

Now we take blue gilding and shade all the indentations in the “bark”.

cover it with paints

Then we apply green gold to the base and here and there to the bark. We cover the entire tree and base with yellow gold. We dry it and check how it fulfills its purpose - the decorations hold up and look great, the wood is stable!

DIY tree for decorations

tree for decorations
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