Colorado potato beetle poison from the grocery store

Colorado potato beetle poison from the grocery store

Spraying potatoes with poisons to combat the Colorado potato beetle is fraught with the accumulation of toxic substances in the tubers. The resulting crop becomes hazardous to health. To minimize the use of chemicals, you can periodically treat the beds with a homemade organic product.

Cooking proportions:

  • mustard powder – 100 g;
  • table vinegar 9% – 10 ml;
  • water 10-12 l.

Colorado potato beetle poison from the grocery store

Preparation process

Mustard powder is poured into a bucket of water and vinegar is poured.
Colorado potato beetle poison from the grocery store

Colorado potato beetle poison from the grocery store

Next, everything is mixed and poured into the sprayer through gauze or thick cloth folded several times.
Colorado potato beetle poison from the grocery store

It is important that mustard particles do not get into the sprayer, as they will clog the narrow channels of the sprayer.
Next, the potatoes are sprayed, as with ordinary poison. It is advisable to do this treatment immediately after germination, so that the tops treated with this product are unpleasant for the beetle and it does not sit on it or lay eggs at all.
Colorado potato beetle poison from the grocery store

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Comments (1)
  1. Vyacheslav
    #1 Vyacheslav Guests August 3, 2020 05:59
    You probably give advice for residents of the far north. Beetles ate our potatoes back in June