Garden. Page 12

Master classes:

How to make a compact cooking stove out of clay and cement

To cook in the garden using fallen branches as fuel, you can make a very compact, portable wood stove using clay and cement. Food cooked on it is many times tastier than on an electric or gas stove, and also with it

10 Weeds with Amazing Properties

Weeds are the main enemy of any gardener, because the fight against them begins in early spring and continues until late autumn. However, not many people know that even weeds have amazing properties and can be used for cooking.

How to make a simple and durable bench for home use

Anyone can make a durable bench with their own hands. This person, of course, must be a man. Not a simple one, but one who knows how to hold a hammer in his hands, knows the secrets of electric arc welding, is not afraid of plumbing work and is familiar with

An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

It's good to live in a warm climate. Poke a stick into the ground and it will bloom.But what about those who live in a harsher region, but want to have beauty in their dacha or near their home? I want to share with users of the “Do it yourself - with your own hands” site how I plant

How to quickly grow onions on a windowsill: personal experience

Fragrant and juicy onion leaves can improve the taste of many dishes. And in order to always have vitamin greens at hand, every winter I grow onions on the windowsill, as well as many other leafy vegetables (garlic, parsley, arugula,

How to grow dill at home

Growing juicy and fragrant greens throughout the year on your own windowsill is a fascinating and useful hobby. It’s so nice to always have juicy sprigs of dill and parsley or basil and lettuce leaves on hand to decorate cold dishes.

The simplest mousetrap made from a PET bottle in 1 minute

Various traps are used to catch mice on a plot, apiary or in the house. We offer the simplest, but very effective design that can be assembled in 1 minute.

How to root a blue spruce cutting into a seedling with 100% success

Few people know, but spruce trees can be propagated not only by cones, but also by cuttings. The latter method is faster and more reliable. If you want to plant this beautiful tree, do not rush to buy seedlings; over the winter you can grow them yourself from a spruce branch.

How to form rose layerings with strong roots in a new way

The most guaranteed and fastest way to propagate roses is to form air layering. It's quick and not difficult, but there are some subtleties that will help make the roots more powerful.

How to pull a concrete pillar out of the ground alone

If you are faced with the task of pulling out old pillars from concrete or pipes, do not rush to pick up a shovel. Use this simple proven method. It will help you pull out the post intact, and not leave behind an excavated pit.

Proper sanitary pruning of the garden and why it is useful to do it in the fall

Pruning of fruit trees and shrubs, which can be sanitary, rejuvenating and shaping, is an integral part of garden care. Regular and correct crowning of green spaces leads to a significant increase in productivity

We make a smokehouse from a barrel and cook fish like in USSR grocery stores

In ancient times, when the country was called the USSR, hot smoked fish was sold in grocery stores. These were mackerel, rockfish and pollock backs. Now this delicacy cannot be found in stores. Perhaps somewhere in the capitals it is sold at

How to make a mechanical brush for quickly cleaning leaves

Owners of large lawn and garden areas spend hours almost every weekend cleaning up fallen leaves or grass clippings. This takes a long time to do with a rake, so to speed up the process, you can make a mechanical brush with a large hopper. With her

Your lawn will be like in the movies if you do the right care: mowing, fertilizing, aeration

To ensure that your green lawn with emerald grass has an attractive appearance with the arrival of spring warmth, the grass stand must be carefully looked after at the end of the summer season.

High-quality planting material for obtaining a bountiful harvest of winter garlic

It has long been known that the yield of winter garlic directly depends on the quality of planting material. Therefore, the choice of seeds for winter sowing of onion crops is of great importance. Shooting garlic is propagated by cloves, single cloves and air

How to instantly cut threads on polypropylene and where it can come in handy

If, when soldering the pipeline, there were not enough couplings with external threads, you can cut it directly on polypropylene. This method is not suitable for a house or apartment, but if you are making an irrigation system for a garden or lawn, then the method is completely justified.

How to pump water out of a pool in seconds without a pump

Frame pools and garden ponds must be drained before winter to maintain the integrity of the film, and this also has to be done periodically when replacing dirty or blooming water. If the farm does not have a pump, this can be done by gravity through

How to easily make a garden barrel automatically fill itself

In order not to periodically manually top up containers for summer showers, drip irrigation or nipple drinkers, you can embed a float valve into them. It will automatically open as water is used up and add it to the required level. Also

These 2 fertilizers available to everyone will give a large harvest of sweet peppers

During the active formation of ovaries and fruit filling, bell peppers, like other nightshade vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants), are in dire need of additional doses of potassium and microelements. Provide adequate plant nutrition

How to make a float to control the water level in a container from a distance

If you have a summer shower, you periodically have to climb the ladder to check the water level in the tank. To avoid this, you can insert a float into the barrel, which shows the degree of filling from the ground.

Storing garlic in ash in cold and warm ways

Preserving garlic grown in a garden plot throughout winter and spring is a task that requires a special approach. Bulbs of winter varieties of garlic, collected in July, remain fresh and juicy until January - February. And here

2 options for cheap DIY PVC pipe sprayers

To organize an irrigation system, you may need a couple of dozen sprayers. In order not to buy, you can make them yourself.

Timing for planting garlic before winter, how to determine the ideal sowing time

Winter varieties of garlic are planted in the fall. In order to get a good harvest of marketable bulbs next summer, it is necessary to correctly determine the timing of planting the onion crop. During the period remaining before the onset of persistent soil frosts, sown under

How to keep carrots and beets juicy without a cellar

The lack of a cellar or basement is a big problem for gardeners, since the harvested crop has to be frozen or processed into home canning. When you try to store it in a warm pantry, everything quickly rots, sprouts or withers.