Timing for planting garlic before winter, how to determine the ideal sowing time

Winter varieties of garlic are planted in the fall. In order to get a good harvest of marketable bulbs next summer, it is necessary to correctly determine the timing of planting the onion crop. During the period remaining before the onset of persistent soil frosts, garlic sown before winter should have time to take root well, but not germinate.
Timing for planting garlic before winter

Time to plant garlic in the fall

That is why experienced gardeners determine the time of planting winter garlic, in accordance with long-term forecasts of weather forecasters. It is necessary to sow the vegetable in such a way that there are 25-30 days left before the onset of prolonged cold weather, when the night air temperature is stably below 0°C.
Timing for planting garlic before winter

In the middle zone, garlic is usually planted in the second half of October. Experts advise starting sowing work when the daytime air temperature does not rise above +14°C and does not fall below +10°C. Simply place a thermometer directly on the garden bed at noon and determine what the air temperature is in the shade.
Timing for planting garlic before winter

Garlic planting depth

Timing for planting garlic before winter

Another important point when planting garlic with cloves or single cloves is the depth of immersion of the planting material into the soil.If you sow the crop early, then you need to deepen the cloves by 8 cm. In cases where you are a little late with planting, you need to deepen them by 4 cm.
Timing for planting garlic before winter

That is, the longer the garlic is in the ground before frost, the deeper it should be immersed initially. Since it is recommended to plant garlic vertically, bottom down, the immersion distance is calculated from the top of the clove to the surface of the bed. It is most convenient to make holes in the furrow using a peg with a limiter at the required distance.
Timing for planting garlic before winter

If you use aerial bulbs as seed material, then the lines in the garden bed are cut to a depth of 2 to 4 cm. Like cloves, before the onset of winter cold, the planted bulbs must grow a root system, but not have time to hatch.
Thus, having guessed the timing of planting winter garlic, you can expect that the plants will actively begin to grow in early spring, immediately after the snow melts and the earth warms up to above-zero temperatures. Happy garlic harvests to you every season!
Timing for planting garlic before winter
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