I grow garlic the size of my fist, it grows on its own, diseases don’t attack it, I’m sharing the secret

I grow garlic as big as a fist and share my secret

Garlic, like any garden crop, will be large and fragrant only under comfortable growing conditions. If you plant even a very good variety in bad soil, there will not be a rich harvest.

Garlic planting process

About a month before planting garlic, you need to level the bed and fill it with mowed grass.
I grow garlic as big as a fist and share my secret

In October, the heads of a good variety of garlic are separated into cloves.
I grow garlic as big as a fist and share my secret

Then holes are made in the beds.
I grow garlic as big as a fist and share my secret

For this, a wooden peg and a hammer are used. They shoot right through the laid grass. The ideal scheme for planting garlic is a 15x15 cm cage.
I grow garlic as big as a fist and share my secret

I grow garlic as big as a fist and share my secret

Next, the cloves are planted in the holes and sent in with soil. The top of the bed is mulched with a thick layer of leaves. Garlic is left in this form until spring.
I grow garlic as big as a fist and share my secret

In spring, garlic shoots will easily break through the thickness of the foliage.
I grow garlic as big as a fist and share my secret

Due to abundant mulching, the bed will not have to be weeded and loosened. The only thing that may be required is watering in case of abnormal drought.
I grow garlic as big as a fist and share my secret

I grow garlic as big as a fist and share my secret

When the arrows appear on the tops, they are cut off, so the heads will turn out larger.
I grow garlic as big as a fist and share my secret

A couple of arrows should be left in order to assess the level of maturity of the heads. You can remove the garlic when they open.
I grow garlic as big as a fist and share my secret

The proposed method not only allows you to grow almost abnormally large heads of garlic, but also eliminates the summer worries of caring for it.
I grow garlic as big as a fist and share my secret

Immediately after harvesting, the bed should be mulched with grass so that it is as productive as possible next year.

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Comments (1)
  1. Victor
    #1 Victor Guests January 6, 2021 10:43
    For those who read and are interested: I have been practicing this growing method for 15-17 years. I call it “lazy technology”, i.e. Without any treatment from planting to digging (do not hoover, do not water, do not rake, water very rarely), garlic grows better. I recommend to all.
    The only note: I cover it with a thick layer of walnut leaves in the fall: no infection will appear, incl. mice, and cover lightly with corn stalks to prevent the leaves from being blown away by a strong wind. And I repeat - you hardly touch the garden bed until the harvest.