How to properly assemble NAZ (portable emergency reserve)

Many lovers of outdoor activities, tourists, fishermen and so on, as a rule, are very picky and meticulous about the equipment of their backpacks. And it is right! If you are going far and for a long time, then as they say: “it is better to have and not need than to need and not have.” True, it’s not very convenient when the necessary small equipment is stuffed into many pockets in a backpack. Sometimes you need to rummage through all the contents until you find what you need. That’s why I decided to get a small set of NAZs, which will be attached to the outside of the backpack. However, the so-called survival kits offered in online stores, to put it mildly, did not suit me. Too expensive for such low quality content. And, frankly speaking, I don’t understand, for the life of me, how the junk that the manufacturers have pushed there will help you survive - dull knives made of raw iron, liquid compasses, of which there are several, all pointing in different directions, weak flashlights, etc. .d. In general, if you want to do something well, do it yourself!

NAZ set for hiking

Collecting portable emergency supplies

So, let's start with the list. Number one: charger. Batteries for charger in this case, it is better to select the most capacious ones. Be sure to check it on a tester.

Number two: short charging cable.

Number three: an adapter for the charging cable if you have gadgets with different connectors.

Number four: flashlight. It is better to choose a flashlight with a built-in charger. The brighter the better. And preferably with an SOS signal mode.

Number five: Alternative means of communication. An ordinary push-button dialer, in the wilderness, picks up a telephone connection much better than the most sophisticated and modern smartphone. And the size, in this case, does not matter - these dialers are created according to the same principle, from the same parts.

Number six: alternative power sources. I have two of them; 5 volt solar panel, and dynamo. If the charger runs out, then I will always have the opportunity to at least slightly recharge the navigator or phone in case of force majeure.

Number seven: petrol lighter. Precisely PETROL! The gas has the unpleasant property of freezing and not burning at low temperatures.In addition, if necessary, you can remove a piece of cotton wool soaked in gasoline from a gasoline lighter, and with its help you can easily light a fire.

Number eight: utility knife. The knife should be small but reliable, made of good steel and with a comfortable handle. An auxiliary knife is useful in case the main knife is lost or becomes unusable.

Number nine: an alternative means of making fire. More precisely, flint. If lighters and matches can break, get damp, or run out, then nothing like that will happen with this thing. She will always give fire. You have to try hard to make it unusable.

Number ten: knife sharpener. It is better if the sharpener is combined, with different grain sizes. So that you can not only sharpen the knife, but also correct it to the ideal sharpness.

Number eleven: magnesium kindling. This soft metal is very easy to scrape with the butt of a knife into small chips, which are ignited by a spark from the flint. Burns hot. It will be very helpful in starting a fire in wet weather.

Number twelve: thermal blanket. A blanket, of course, can only be called a blanket, but it will help prevent colds in various organs of our body if you use it as a backing in case you have to spend the night in an open area.

Numbers thirteen and fourteen: iodine and cotton pads, I think, don’t need any introduction.

Number fifteen: elastic bandage. Helps with sprains.

Number sixteen: aluminum sealed tablet capsule. You can put painkillers in it, or medicine if you, for example, are diabetic.

Number seventeen: antiseptic. You can use medical alcohol. Very helpful for disinfecting bites.Both flying and creeping reptiles that cannot bear to drink your blood will at least relieve the itching from the bite. Also for treating scratches and abrasions.

Number eighteen: compass. It is better, of course, to have a non-liquid compass - at low temperatures it will not produce air bubbles inside that will interfere with the needle. Ideally, of course, you should also have a map of the area. But if you don’t have a map, then a compass will at least give you the opportunity to follow a strictly defined course, and not wind around in a circle.

Number nineteen: rope. It is better to choose a rope that is thin but strong. So that 3-4 meters when rolled up can easily fit in a small bag. In my case it's paracord. We may need a rope to tie together several poles when building a shelter if we have to spend the night in the forest.

Number twenty: thread with needle. Thread and needle can sometimes be very useful. I was convinced a couple of times by personal example! When in a hurry you get caught on a snag and rip your pants, a paraffin-soaked thread with a needle in an airtight container will be very useful.

Number twenty-one: metal carbine. Also a very useful thing in the parking lot. You can hang clothes from the branches, or hang a pot over the fire.

And lastly, number twenty-two: the bag itself for NAZ. Personally, I chose a regular pouch, like an army one. With belt straps. In my opinion, there are no simpler and more practical things for such a purpose.

This is the small set we have.

Now you don’t have to rummage through a large backpack and look for the right thing in all the pockets. And it is better to use the free space in the backpack for additional provisions or warm clothes.If you go, for example, to pick mushrooms, or just to get some fresh air outside the city, and there is no need to drag a large and heavy backpack with you, then the NAZ can always be unfastened from the backpack and hung from the waist belt. Our self-assembled set may be slightly more expensive than what is offered in the store, but we will be confident in every little detail from this set. And than; You shouldn’t skimp on yourself, your loved one. Someday (God forbid anyone gets into such a situation), this will help preserve health, and even life itself.

And finally, let’s assemble almost the same NAZ, but very small, everyday. For the city.

NAZ everyday set (for the city)

What might we need in the city? The first thing that comes to mind is the charger. In my opinion, that's correct. Not many people, including me, look at the remaining battery percentage on their phone when they leave the house. And so, let's put a small charger in the everyday NAZ.

Charging cable with adapter, just in case.

You can, if space allows, throw in a spare lighter and antiseptic.

Well, a small travel organizer that can easily fit into any pocket is quite suitable as a container.

If there are no free pockets, especially in the summer, when you have a minimum of clothing, then you can make a small lanyard or pendant for the organizer to wear around your neck.

Such organizers, as a rule, do not have attachments to the waist belt.

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Comments (1)
  1. Basil
    #1 Basil Guests February 10, 2023 01:46
    The author forgot about condoms! Sometimes a very necessary thing.