“Milk porridge” mode in the POLARIS multicooker

So, having heard enough from my friends and acquaintances that this is a miracle device, I decided to keep up with them and also acquire this miracle machine. In general, I chose and chose, choosing a multicooker from POLARIS. This model cost relatively within reason, namely about four thousand rubles. I, of course, have no experience in choosing household appliances, but if you are still faced with a choice and want to buy this unit, then I sincerely do not advise you to take this model from me.


I won’t tell you everything and why, let’s take a specific minus: the lack of a mode for preparing milk porridge. If you try to cook milk porridge, it quickly runs away, after which the multicooker turns into something terrible. This problem occurs because milk needs a slightly lower temperature to boil than water. What can you do here? As a matter of fact, I decided to “adjust” the sensors a little, thereby lowering the limit for turning off the heating element.
Briefly about the operation of the device. The heating element heats the pan. It heats up until the microcontroller turns it off. And it will turn it off when the resistance on the sensors is below the response threshold.This model has two sensors: one in the middle of the heating element (it touches the pan) and the second is built into the top lid.
My idea is this: it’s tedious to reduce the resistance of the sensor, thereby lowering the threshold for switching off the heating element. To do this, I decided to implement a mode switch with a resistor


You should connect to one of the sensors, be careful: different sensors work in different modes. I chose the bottom sensor, so it works in the “porridge” mode; more precisely, both sensors work in this mode. The resistance of the resistor was selected experimentally; it was 33 kOhm.

We drill a hole with scissors (the plastic is very soft) and insert the Soviet switch.

switch in housing

inside view

We unscrew the control board and solder the wires of our circuit

connection to the board

general connection view


Close and check. Be careful that the wires do not touch the housing.

multicooker polaris

Everything works, the milk does not escape.
In conclusion, I will say that such an upgrade can be implemented in any multicooker that does not have such a mode.
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4 minus one =
Comments (6)
  1. Serj
    #1 Serj Guests November 26, 2013 06:50
    author, the quality of your editing is depressing. There are beautiful round keys or touch buttons for 5 volts on sale.and so - a collective farm... it’s like the blue letters on the Lada cars of our people from the south..
  2. Sanya
    #2 Sanya Guests 5 January 2014 16:29
    By the way, you can forget about warranty repairs, if something happens... although, I’ll tell you a secret, if anything goes bad, it’s the thermal fuse (on one of the power wires) or R21 (3.9 MOhm) on the power board - it can be fixed by replacing it!
  3. Incognita
    #3 Incognita Guests August 26, 2015 11:21
    We have the same multicooker and I am sincerely happy with it
  4. Marina
    #4 Marina Guests February 7, 2016 11:08
    I have the same multicooker. Milk porridges are prepared using the RICE (Soaked rice) mode, and to prevent the milk from running away, you just need to grease the top of the pan with butter.
  5. Adip
    #5 Adip Guests August 9, 2018 00:20
    The idea is right. The photos really helped me figure out how to connect the sensors (yellow and blue). If connected incorrectly, the small seven-volt resistor and the transistor that controls it burn out. I'll repeat the change.
  6. Adip
    #6 Adip Guests August 9, 2018 00:30
    It is important to know which sensor to use and determine the rating. And not a glamorous button with a fixation. Well done.