Vacuuming without smelling dust

If you own an inexpensive vacuum cleaner, then you know that when it is running, the room is filled with the smell of dust. This happens because the vacuum cleaner filter cannot cope with small dust particles and instead of eliminating them, they instead spread throughout the house. I will not talk about the dangers of these small particles, but will simply suggest a couple of techniques on how to reduce their spread.

The first, but very effective advice.

When you finish vacuuming, the concentration of dust in the air exceeds all conceivable and unimaginable standards. Therefore, after working with a vacuum cleaner, be sure to ventilate the room for 10-15 minutes, preferably through ventilation (by the way, this action is recommended to be done after any cleaning).

Second tip.

The second tip in the fight against small dust particles is not effective, but provides partial odor elimination.
To do this, pour a handful of instant coffee into a dust bag (container for collecting dust) before vacuuming.

Third tip.

If you are going to vacuum a carpet (or something similar), spray it with water from a spray bottle (the same spray bottle is used to spray flowers at home), but do not overdo it.This method is effective, since water glues small dust particles in the bag, and they do not come out. In addition, the humidity in the room increases, and the higher the humidity, the more difficult it is for dust to fly in the air and it begins to settle on various surfaces. And it’s easy to wipe off dust from the surface.
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Comments (3)
  1. CYRAX
    #1 CYRAX Guests March 3, 2011 21:05
    And I just tie a wet mask on my face and I don’t feel the dust
  2. NEON
    #2 NEON Guests 17 June 2012 17:54
    and I added 3 layers of gauze to the filter))) maybe more synthetics)))
  3. Alexander
    #3 Alexander Guests 18 February 2016 12:48
    The third tip is hello to the flying engine in the vacuum cleaner. Not right away, but given the design of modern engines, there will be problems in a year.