An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

It's good to live in a warm climate. Poke a stick into the ground and it will bloom. But what about those who live in a harsher region, but want to have beauty in their dacha or near their home?
I want to share with users of the Do It Yourself - Do It Yourself site an interesting way of how I plant roses in the ground. I do this not in the spring, but somewhere in the middle of summer, when the first wave of flowering has passed. At this point, the roots will have developed enough to better survive the transplant. In addition, there will be enough time until the end of summer to catch on in the ground.

Choosing a place to plant roses

One of the conditions for successfully growing roses in open ground is the choice of location. It is advisable to know:
  • what winds prevail on the site;
  • how the shadow falls from buildings and mature trees;
  • from which direction the cold fogs come;
  • on which areas and how much snow there is in winter.

I plant roses on the southeast side of the greenhouse. It will cover the bushes from the midday sun and cold fogs that rise from the lowlands.
An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

In addition, in winter snow falls from the greenhouse, right on the plants, which will provide additional shelter from frost. And on the northwestern side, a high fence will protect the bushes from the cold wind.

What needs to be prepared for planting

Before you start transshipping roses, you must immediately prepare everything you need for this:
  • bags or film so that there is somewhere to put the turf;
    An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

  • buckets, stretchers or wheelbarrows - the excavated soil will be placed there;
  • tools - at least a shovel, I also use Tornadika;
    An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

  • rusty tin cans, or any other iron;
  • humus;
  • dried manure, preferably horse manure;
  • bucket with water.

An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

Now that everything is ready, we proceed directly to the planting itself.

Step-by-step instructions for planting roses in open ground

If there is already a rose bush nearby, then I step back about a meter from it and remove the sod with Tornadika.
An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

The area is approximately equal to the diameter of the bucket. For Tornadica this is 4 spins.
An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

I use it to loosen the soil. Then it is easy to remove it with a shovel.
An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

The depth of the hole is equal to the height of a 10-liter bucket, plus another 10 cm.
An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

This is necessary in order to put rusty cans on the bottom. They will act as drainage and, at the same time, serve as a source of iron for the bushes. Anyone who is afraid that when the iron decomposes completely and the rose bushes end up in the hole, add fine gravel, river sand or expanded clay.
An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

I fill the jars with humus on top.
An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

Next is some dry manure.
An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

I pour half a bucket of water on top.
An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

Now we carefully squeeze the container with the rose so that the lump of earth easily comes out of the pot and does not collapse. Before transshipment, the soil must dry out.
An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

We install the bush in the center of the hole.
An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

We fill the edges with humus. If it is not enough, you can take the top layer of removed soil.
An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

We compact it well. Be sure to fill the scion point. If this is not done, the rose will not survive the Siberian winter.
An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

Sprinkle with the remaining water.
An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

The top of the soil can be mulched with mown grass or pine bark.
Until the end of summer I make sure that the soil around the bush does not dry out.
By the end of summer, the rose had taken root perfectly.
An interesting way to plant roses in Siberia

It gave a lot of growth and flourished.
Don't be afraid to experiment. But it’s a pity to use expensive varieties for this. Go to shops like Metro, Svetofor or Mayak. In spring they sell roses for 100-150 rubles. But when you succeed, you can try expensive seedlings.
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Comments (1)
  1. Peter
    #1 Peter Guests December 25, 2020 10:12
    Indeed a very interesting method, thank you!