Useful and interesting. Page 44

Master classes:

How to Clean Silverware Quickly

Over time, silverware becomes covered with plaque and dark spots. To restore its shine, various methods are used, both chemical and mechanical. Of course, it is most convenient to clean silver using chemical methods. Let's consider the most

How to permanently remove mold and mildew between tile joints

Due to increased humidity, mold and mildew may form in the bathroom, especially if there are problems with ventilation. These unwanted growths not only spoil the appearance, but also pose a certain health hazard.

Anyone can grow green onions on a windowsill without any soil.

Of course, you can buy green feathers in the store (at an extremely unattractive price), but how nice it is to cut greens that you grew yourself without any chemicals or fertilizers. This life hack can be repeated by any resident of an apartment building;

Cheap heating for a greenhouse in spring

In spring and even early summer there are returns of frosts. In greenhouses at this time, seedlings sprout en masse and grow rapidly. To prevent it from suffering from temporary cold snaps, the greenhouse must be heated. This can be done in different ways, but it is simpler and

How to clean your headphones

Wireless headphones are too valuable to throw away because they get dirty. In this regard, it is necessary to periodically sanitize them so as not to insert a dirty headset into your ears. Let's look at how this can be done.

How to fillet almost any fish simply and quickly - universal step-by-step instructions

How to fillet fish quickly and easily? Just ten minutes of your time and a sharp knife are enough! Even a novice cook can handle this process. For cutting fish, it is best to choose a sharp and thin knife.

5 useful ideas for the kitchen

To organize convenient work in the kitchen, you can use several tricks. Let's look at 5 ideas that will solve some kitchen problems and difficulties for free.

How to make silicone gaskets of any shape for any need

When sealing non-standard containers or rare mechanisms, it becomes difficult to select gaskets for them that are simply not sold. In this case, sealants are usually used, but if the structure should be easily dismountable, then they

How to move a large cabinet and its contents alone

Very often, when renovating, it is necessary to rearrange furniture from one place in the room to another.Moving a large cabinet is extremely problematic even for two people, let alone one person. But there is a little trick that will help you alone

How to make a pencil case for storing small consumable tools from leftover polycarbonate

When purchasing burrs, thin drills, and other consumables for a drill or engraver, we often, along with these goods, also acquire the headache of how and where to store such a miniature tool. When purchasing a set, for example, a burr, along with

How to light a match on a match without chirkash

An interesting trick or life hack is how you can light matches against each other without a box of chirkash. You can bet your friends that you will do this and then win the bet. Or use this method in a difficult situation, if you have everything

How to wash a foam gun for pennies? Let's make a useful device

Polyurethane foam today has become a permanent attribute of builders involved in installing windows, doors, etc. In the household, it is needed from time to time, which is why the problem of foam drying inside the gun arises. As a result, use it

An effective homemade kitchen utensil cleaner

With the huge busyness of modern women at work, all housewives are familiar with the situation when there is simply not enough time to thoroughly clean the dishes every day. As a result, pots, lids, teapots, duck pots and frying pans become

How to make your own polymer mass for repairs

You can purchase polymer clay for repairing small plastic parts with virtually no problems. Any colors, volumes and compositions. With its help you can not only repair damaged plastic parts, but also make, for example,

How to cut a circle out of glass

In a household, the need for round glass can be very different: for example, to replace cracked glass on some device, to make a round mirror, to make a disk for a sharpening machine, to glaze a fragment of a window frame, to cut

How to quickly clean the hood grille

The decorative grille of the hood above the stove becomes heavily contaminated with grease in just a couple of weeks of intensive cooking. It is not so easy to wash it, so many people put off this process until it is easier to change the grille than to clean it. However there is

How to make and quickly dry a silicone gasket

Silicone seals and gaskets, like rubber ones, can withstand pressure up to 10 bar, but in terms of temperature they are more “hardy” and work stably in the range from -50 to 280 degrees Celsius, whereas for rubber products it is limited

We say to the condensate: Farewell! Or how to permanently get rid of fogging of plastic windows

Modern plastic windows, despite their good quality, can fog up in the cold season for several reasons. This, for example, is caused by the installation of cheap single-chamber packages, a very wide window sill, which impedes circulation

How to make a silicone gasket for any container

In the household, it is often necessary to tightly close the container with a lid, and even heat the contents to the boiling point and steam formation. Over time, the rubber gasket becomes unusable and needs to be replaced. And she should

How to solder a pipe with water

Soldering plastic pipes, inserting or connecting fittings to them when the water is not completely turned off is technically impossible. It is required, at least for a short time, to get rid of the leak, dry the joint and promptly carry out the planned operation.

How to make a device for removing snow from a roof

Shoveling snow off your roof is difficult, slow and unsafe. But you can make a device for removing snow from the roof with your own hands. It is very simple, quite effective and completely safe. If it is available, there is no need to climb onto the roof -

How to draw perfectly smooth circles by hand

The life hack is very useful and will be useful not only for students, but for all people who have already finished studying. After all, whatever one may say, sometimes in life there is a need to draw an even circle by hand without using a compass or other devices.

How to beautifully cut an egg without a figured knife

You can and should decorate holiday salads. These are the privileges of not only restaurant dishes; you can create such beauty with your own hands without the use of special figured knives. Salads decorated with curly cuts always look much more appetizing and

How to simply solder aluminum tightly with regular solder

Soldering aluminum with standard solder using conventional technology is unreliable and impossible.The tin on it rolls into a ball, not wanting to stick, and if it does stick, the result is a weak connection that breaks under the slightest load. To