DIY mini drill

A mini drill can be used to drill holes in textolite boards for the output of radio elements. I personally built a mini drill for this purpose, but you can use it for other purposes as well.
The electric motor for such a mini drill can be removed from an old printer (not a stepper one) or a tape recorder.
DIY mini drill

We need a large syringe, 50 milliliters.
DIY mini drill

It is necessary to cut off or saw off the upper part.
DIY mini drill

DIY mini drill

Next, we take a low-voltage motor that matches the diameter of the syringe. Or vice versa: if you have a motor, then select a syringe of the required diameter for it in advance.
We insert the motor into the syringe. And fix it with hot glue.
DIY mini drill

DIY mini drill

Then we saw a rectangular hole for the switch, with which we will turn our drill on and off.
DIY mini drill

Solder the wires to the switch. We install it in the groove and also fix it with hot glue.
DIY mini drill

DIY mini drill

Use a soldering iron to make a hole on the side closer to the bottom. And we pass the wires from the motor.
DIY mini drill

DIY mini drill

We glue the battery compartment to the end of the syringe with hot glue. The battery compartment for four AA batteries will give us a total of six volts of power for the motor.
DIY mini drill

We connect the wires and insulate them with heat shrink tube.
DIY mini drill

DIY mini drill

Since we have a budget version of the drill and you probably won’t have a special chuck for drills, we take the connecting terminal from the connecting block. This can be found in any electrical store.
DIY mini drill

We put the terminal on the motor shaft and tighten it with a screw. We insert the drill and also fix it with a screw. Works fine. Drill runout is minimal.
DIY mini drill

DIY mini drill

It drills perfectly, even textolite boards, even plastic, even thin metal.
DIY mini drill

DIY mini drill

DIY mini drill

PS: Instead of a connecting terminal, you can use thick insulation from a wire of the appropriate diameter. Pull it tightly onto the shaft and onto the drill. But it is advisable to use this method as a last resort, since the connection will not be as strong.

Mini drill from a syringe and not only in the video:

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Comments (4)
  1. t212
    #1 t212 Guests 8 December 2017 18:45
    Everything is great, but there is one BUT... Drilling printed circuit boards with HSS drills - you won’t have enough drills. And the tungsten drill in such a drill will work until the first incorrect hand movement.
    To fully drill fiberglass, you need a drilling machine. The main thing in it is that the drill does not hit, and descends vertically into the material.And if you install an electric motor from model airplanes, then the speed can be quite decent.
    Ideally, the drill should not be attached to the motor shaft, but a spindle should be made.
  2. RodenGT
    #2 RodenGT Guests 10 December 2017 16:51
    The diameter of the drill must match the diameter of the motor shaft, otherwise there will be runout..., although if you put the drill in the mark and then turn on the speed, with a normally sharpened drill, it will go with beer))) Drills made of tungsten carbide cannot even withstand cartridges for they only need collets and huge speeds, well, that’s how it should be. For smart people who don’t distinguish “Pobedite” drills from simple ones, I’ll say that HSS drills will not work in any drill, not just this one. And for making printed circuit boards at home it will work, just change the clamp from the terminal block to a collet or cartridge. We are talking about amateur stuff here, not professional equipment)))
  3. RodenGT
    #3 RodenGT Guests 10 December 2017 16:58
    Yes, I forgot to say... instead of a switch it is better to use a button without locking (a clock will do, we put it on the glue closer to the drill), this is from personal experience)))
  4. Guest Igor
    #4 Guest Igor Guests September 2, 2018 12:01
    I'm very interested in how long the electric motor will work without cooling. After all, the author did not make a single ventilation hole. Something tells me that the engine will be covered with a copper basin after a few minutes of operation.