Gorodets painting of a wooden bracelet

Painted wooden bracelets are one of the most unusual and beautiful jewelry. Most often they attract attention due to their non-standard design. Today, such bracelets are at the height of fashion and are a desirable item for almost any girl or woman. Of course, you can purchase a finished product, painted in one style or another. However, it is much more pleasant to paint such a bracelet yourself - this will allow you to fully reflect the author’s idea and create a truly unique item. In this master class you are invited to paint a wooden bracelet using the Gorodets painting technique.

What you will need for this:
1) PVA glue or gelatin for primer.
2) Fine-grained sandpaper.
3) Acrylic paints.
4) Gouache or tempera.
5) Brushes: round “squirrel” No. 1, No. 4 or No. 5, flat “synthetic” No. 5
6) Transparent varnish for wood
7) Wooden bracelet blank

First stage. First you need to prepare the surface of the bracelet for work.First of all, it is necessary to apply a layer of primer to cover cracks and dents, which are almost always present on the workpiece due to the nature of the material. The easiest way is to use PVA glue for priming - it is available in any office supply store, is inexpensive and does not require additional preparation before application. However, if you want to do everything according to time-tested technology, dilute the gelatin according to the instructions indicated on the package, while observing the proportions of 1 part gelatin to 8 parts water. The primer is applied using a flat brush evenly over the entire surface of the workpiece, including the inside. If after application there are places where there is a little more primer, and it protrudes a little, do not rush to remove the excess layer and wait until it dries completely. Once you are sure that the soil is completely dry, you can take out the sandpaper. With its help, you can finally eliminate all irregularities on the surface of the workpiece.

prepare the surface of the bracelet

Second phase. Now you need to apply a background layer of paint, on top of which the main part of the painting will be applied. It is best to perform this part of the work with acrylic paints, since after drying they are poorly soluble in water, which means that they will not be mixed in when applying further drawings. The background is painted with paint diluted to a very liquid state, and it is better to do this on a previously wetted surface and extremely quickly. If this is not done, ugly stains will remain. It's worth noting that this makes the background translucent, but if you don't like it, you can always add a few more of these layers. Traditionally, in Gorodets painting, the background is painted with either ocher or red paint. In this case, the background layer is red.

apply a background coat of paint

Third stage.Gorodets painting is carried out in several main stages. To begin with, the main color of the future elements of the ornament is applied. The base of the flowers is a circle, complemented by petal protrusions. The leaves are depicted with teardrop-shaped strokes. At this stage, you can already make various additional decorative elements, and later supplement them. All painting elements are best done with a round squirrel hair brush using gouache or tempera. You should start with the central objects, then moving on to additional ones.

base color is applied

depicted with teardrop-shaped strokes

Fourth stage. This stage is usually called “shadowing”. It consists of working out some of the details of the ornamental elements using black paint. “Shading” is done in various ways, depending on the element. Care and caution are required here. You should not rush in the painting process, because otherwise you can make a mistake in the position of the stroke or miss. You can use either a large brush or a brush with a smaller diameter.

depicted with teardrop-shaped strokes

details of ornamental elements

Fifth stage. Now is the time to tackle one of the final stages - “revival”. To do this you need to take white paint. The process of “revival” is, in its essence, very similar to the process of performing “shadow”. It is named so because it really enlivens the ornament, making it more interesting and even a little voluminous. After the “revival”, only the small details of the painting remain to be finalized. They are done with a thin brush in order to make it as neat as possible.

details of ornamental elements

Gorodets painting of a wooden bracelet

Sixth stage. After the painting is completely ready, you can coat the product with varnish. This is done so that when wearing the bracelet the paint does not smudge or get scratched. It is worth noting that when choosing a varnish you need to be careful.First of all, it must be colorless, otherwise it will cover and discolor the paint. You also need to pay attention to how quickly and well it dries, since there are varnishes that continue to stick even after several months. The varnish should be applied with a soft brush to avoid smearing the paint. It is necessary to varnish not only the outer part of the bracelet, but also the inner one. Once the varnish is completely dry, you can put on and wear the bracelet without fear of ruining it.

Gorodets painting of a wooden bracelet

Gorodets painting of a wooden bracelet

Gorodets painting of a wooden bracelet
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