Handmade bracelets for girls

Girls are ready to spend hours decorating themselves with various accessories, coming up with new looks and surprising others. The latest trends in world fashion are increasingly turning to stylish and bright handmade accessories that match the design of clothing. Today you will have the opportunity to master this simple and unpretentious technique.

Our main tools are scissors, super glue, frames (these can be cheap plastic or metal bracelets or just twisted wire to fit your hand), acrylic thread, satin ribbons, pieces of fabric.

Handmade bracelets for girls

The first bracelet is suitable for a formal suit, business look and office style. You will need a wide frame, glue, scissors, and satin ribbon. We choose a ribbon with small polka dots, since this is the trend from year to year. Classic black and white colors allow you to play with contrasts to your advantage! To begin with, lubricate 2-3 cm of the frame with glue and, pulling the tape well, fasten it in a circle at an angle of approximately 30 degrees.

Each new stitch is slightly overlapped on top of the previous one. The last turn is secured with glue from the inside.

You can make it more interesting with the help of black tape, which should also be placed on glue, but with spaces between the turns, and the tape should be tilted in the opposite direction than the white one. The first bracelet for a business lady is ready!

Many people prefer sewing rather than buying clothes. In this case, there are always shreds and remnants of tissue left. They can also be used beneficially for bracelets. For example, the second bracelet is sunny and ideal for a summer sundress or beach suit.

We cut off a long rectangular piece and then, following the same technique, wrap it at an angle in a circle around the entire bracelet. Here you can avoid stretching the fabric too much, making natural folds that will add more volume.

And finally, another type of bracelet! For it, we take a thin base or wire and also use glue to simultaneously wrap 2-3 acrylic threads around the entire frame. Unlike fabric and tape, thread can be wrapped in several layers in places where glue protrusions are visible.

Upon completion, the thread is simply cut, without additional fastenings. But, if the ends of the thread are visible somewhere, then, without fear, cut them off with scissors; the bracelet will not be damaged, since we have glue applied over the entire surface.

You can make several of these bracelets in different colors and tie them together with a satin ribbon. You can safely give it the name “Berry Trio”.

In all other respects – only your ideas and fantasies! Try it, decorate yourself and make your life brighter! Good luck and inspiration!
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