We say to the condensate: Farewell! Or how to permanently get rid of fogging of plastic windows

How to permanently get rid of fogging of plastic windows

Modern plastic windows, despite their good quality, can fog up in the cold season for several reasons. This, for example, is caused by the installation of cheap single-chamber packages, a very wide window sill, which impedes air circulation between the radiator and the window, poor-quality general ventilation in the room, the presence of a large number of plants on the windows, etc.

This unpleasant phenomenon can be eliminated in different ways, for example, using a heating electric cable, sticking fabric tulle on the glass, etc. Today we will look at one of the simplest, most accessible and yet effective methods.

How to permanently get rid of fogging of plastic windows

Will need

To practically implement our solution for getting rid of condensation on windows in winter, we need to prepare the following materials and tools:
  • energy-saving PET film;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • scissors and knife;
  • measuring tape;
  • detergent and cloth napkins;
  • source of steam generation (kettle, saucepan).

The process of gluing PET film on windows

We remove everything unnecessary from the windowsill, including indoor plants. Using detergent and cloth napkins, we clean and wipe the frames dry, and also remove accumulated condensation on the double-glazed windows.

We measure the height and width of the glass unit using a construction tape and cut out a piece of PET film using sharp scissors and a knife, leaving an allowance of at least five centimeters on each side.

We paste double-sided tape around the perimeter of the glass unit and carefully attach a cut piece of energy-saving film to it, having first removed the protective layer. Then, with all precautions, remove the protective layer from the PET film from the front side.

There is no need to worry that the light transmittance of the glass unit will decrease: PET film has almost absolute transparency. In addition, it has sufficient puncture resistance despite its small thickness.

How to permanently get rid of fogging of plastic windows
How to permanently get rid of fogging of plastic windows

To test the effectiveness of PET film in resisting the formation of condensation, place a kettle or pan with water on the gas stove, but without a lid. After some time, the water will begin to evaporate and the humidity in the room will increase. However, we will not notice condensation on the surface of the energy-saving film, since it has become like another double-glazed window and reduced heat loss through the window.

How to permanently get rid of fogging of plastic windows

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Comments (1)
    #1 AVENGER Guests 30 March 2020 17:23
    you put a fan from the chipset ..40 mm on the window, power it from a 12 volt 0.5 ampere adapter .. you can add a filter - there is air circulation - no moisture loss