7 secrets of proper care of plastic windows

Although you are the proud owner of plastic windows, you should still take the time to maintain their dazzling appearance. There are several secrets that allow PVC windows to shine and please the eye at any time of the year.

7 secrets of proper care of plastic windows
Secret No. 1

Wipe the glass with a special protective agent every six months

City dirt and grime forces you to wash your windows about once every two weeks, especially in the summer. The rest of the time, it is necessary to regularly clean the surface from the inside with a damp cloth. Use any detergents that do not contain chlorine, alcohol additives, or gasoline.

Stained glass plastic windows require special care in maintenance. Do not use rough or sharp sponges when cleaning.

It is enough to apply a special protective agent for the PVC profile every six months. Manufacturers usually recommend a number of similar products.

Secret No. 2

Wash rubber seals in spring and autumn

There is no need for excess moisture in the rubber inserts of plastic windows. Therefore, it is recommended to wash them twice a year with a soft cloth. Do not use solvent.

Secret No. 3

Treat rubber seals with products that contain glycerin and silicone

Talc and silicone oil help increase the elasticity of the seal. This affects the effectiveness of the insulation.

Secret No. 4

Lubricate plastic window fittings with oil once a year

Both automobile oil and grease are suitable. Make sure that no foreign objects get into the moving mechanisms of the window.

The handle requires special attention. If opened frequently, the fastenings may become loose; the screws must be tightened.

Secret No. 5

Remove mosquito nets in winter

It is better to wash the mesh with soapy water and store it in a dry place. In winter it does not function, but only darkens the window.

Secret No. 6

Clean drainage holes regularly

The design of a PVC window can deteriorate if water and dirt accumulate in it.

Secret No. 7

Do not leave the plastic window open for a long time

The moving mechanisms of the glass unit will become deformed if they are constantly under weight. The window will become difficult to open and close.

Remember the basic rules - you can’t put hot objects on the windowsill, you can’t hit the structure, you can’t scratch it, it’s better to cover hot radiators.

Good care of plastic windows is the key to their durability and beautiful appearance.

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Comments (2)
  1. AlexPanych
    #1 AlexPanych Guests 15 February 2018 12:34
    Good tips! I envy those who manage to wash their windows once every 2 weeks! ))
    My 5 cents:
    No. 5 The mesh also works in winter, if cigarette butts can get in from above.
    No. 7 The worst case is if the window is open 90 degrees, i.e. perpendicular. At the same time, maximum loads on the structure. If you open it slightly or swing it wide open, the loads will not be so critical. And slotted “winter” ventilation will not have any effect at all, the main thing is that there is no icing.
  2. Guest Yuri
    #2 Guest Yuri Guests March 19, 2018 09:41
    We replaced the wooden windows in our apartment with plastic ones back in 2011. So, with proper care for them, everything is just fine! Now we think it’s time to change the windows in the country house too.