Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 176

Master classes:

The water tap is dripping: how to fix the water leak?

Leaking water from a faucet in the kitchen or bathroom is a fairly common occurrence. The leak itself does not pose a serious threat, but there are a number of reasons that determine the need to eliminate it. Firstly, this will avoid unnecessary expenses for

A simple device for controlling the correct angle when sharpening a knife by hand

Manual sharpening requires skill and perseverance, which are often lacking. Without proper experience, when trying to sharpen a blade, it is difficult to maintain the same, and most importantly, the correct angle.

How to make a reliable electrode holder

Anyone who has ever dealt with welding has probably paid attention to the clamping of the electrode - one awkward movement, and the rod changes angle, or may even fall out. Of course, professional welders do not face such situations, but

Movable bracket for attaching an angle grinder from a ball joint

After repairing a car, worn-out parts and assemblies remain, unsuitable for direct use, but which are of a certain value, both due to their material and residual functionality.

The simplest controller for RGB strip with three transistors

To create the effect of alternately changing the RGB LEDs of the strip, it is proposed to assemble a simple electronic control circuit. The voltage from each of the three outputs of the self-oscillating ring multivibrator is alternately supplied to the input R, G or

How to repair a crack on a car bumper?

A crack in a car bumper can be repaired at a car service center, but the cost of repair may be comparable to the cost of a new bumper. Can I repair the bumper myself?

DIY heated insoles

Electrically heated insoles are a truly magnificent thing that will especially appeal to those who spend a long time outside in the winter, waiting for a bus at a bus stop or for other reasons. Fishermen or hunters will really like this homemade product.

How to bake mackerel in the oven

Wondering what to cook for dinner? Here's my easy-to-make oven-baked mackerel recipe. Your family will definitely love this dish. Eating fish is very good for your health.

How to repair burnt carpet

Carpet not only insulates the floor and makes walking on it pleasant, but also serves as a real decoration of the room, especially when it is in harmony with the interior of the room.

How to stop hair loss and make it thicker?

Thick hair has always been one of the main indicators of beauty. And it doesn’t matter who we’re talking about, a woman or a man. Some representatives of the stronger sex shave their heads bald, citing fashion reasons. At the same time, none of them would refuse

Reloading Spent Pepper Spray

You, or your household, had to use the available pepper spray to protect yourself from dogs or less than adequate citizens. Of course, you can go to the nearest gun or hunting store and buy a new one. However, gas prices

Chicken milk sausages

In terms of taste, chicken sausages are many times superior to any other chicken products from the store, as they are made from 100% meat, without any starch or other additives. And their cost, oddly enough, can be much less than purchased ones.

How to prepare a fuel mixture for two-stroke engines

Many people are wary of purchasing a motorized tool that is powered by a two-stroke gasoline engine. They are frightened by the constant prospect of mixing gasoline with oil. They suggest that this is quite a problematic operation, although nothing

Modification of a gas soldering iron

During operation, it is impossible to monitor the gas level in the container. It remains unknown how much gas has been used, how much is left, and when to refill the soldering iron.

Felted raccoon wool

Raccoons have long been YouTube stars. They are agile, dexterous, cunning, inquisitive animals. Many children would like to have such a friend at home, but, alas, this is impossible in most cases.

How to properly and securely wind flax onto plumbing connections

Despite the availability of modern materials for sealing plumbing threaded connections, flax remains relevant due to its reliability, resistance to high temperatures, the possibility of adjustment and a long service life.

Powerful power supply with current protection

Every person who assembles electronic circuits needs a universal power source that allows them to vary the output voltage over a wide range, control the current, and, if necessary, turn off the powered device. Similar in stores

An easy way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium to lithium-ion batteries

Probably every screwdriver owner has had this problem at least once: you charge your old battery, but after 5 minutes of use it runs out again. This is very unpleasant, but we can solve this problem ourselves.

How to find the center of a circle

When manufacturing or processing wood parts, in some cases it is necessary to determine where their geometric center is located. If the part has a square or rectangular shape, then this is not difficult to do. Enough

Master class: DIY wooden box

Wooden boxes today are very popular among the fair sex. After all, they are very practical and roomy. In addition, such a box fits perfectly into the interior and is a real decoration of any room.

How to cook sprats at home

To prepare sprats at home, you will need small fish. The recipe is quite inexpensive and does not require any special culinary skills. The fish turns out very tender. The infusion of onion peel will give the dish a golden color, and prunes will add

How to build your EDC kit

Spring is just around the corner, which means that hikers will soon begin preparing their equipment for travel. However, some lovers of this type of active recreation are not stopped by winter - I know from myself... With me, no matter what time of year I

Extruding signs on wood

Quite often, when making wood crafts, it becomes necessary to apply various symbols, for example, letters and numbers, to the surface of wooden products.

Lace pancakes from a bottle

Try making lace pancakes from a bottle. Such an unusual, spectacular dish of patterned pancakes will festively decorate the table for Maslenitsa or a children's party.