DIY heated insoles

Electrically heated insoles are a truly magnificent thing that will especially appeal to those who spend a long time outside in the winter, waiting for a bus at a bus stop or for other reasons. Fishermen or hunters will really like this homemade product.
Thanks to such comfortable insoles, you can warm your feet at any time and continue to warm them for 2-3 hours! What will definitely save you from a cold.
DIY heated insoles

Will need

DIY heated insoles

Everything, right down to the insoles, can be ordered in China at Ali Express.

We make insoles with electric heating

We take your shoes and insert insoles into them. We put it on your feet, everything should fit well without unnecessary pressure.
DIY heated insoles

We unwind the nichrome wire. I rewinded 65 cm, the length is determined experimentally.
DIY heated insoles

From 5 Volts this segment consumes 0.7 A of current. And this is all on one leg.
DIY heated insoles

We make a USB plug, expose and tin the wires. We put heat shrink on the plug itself so that the wire goes vertically down.
DIY heated insoles

Now we sew the central part of the insole with this piece of nichrome wire. The heel is not involved, since it seemed to me that it is not necessary to heat it too much.
DIY heated insoles

You cannot solder wire to nichrome wire. To do this, it is simply wound onto a USB cable and sewn to the insole with threads. Everything turned out quite reliably.
DIY heated insoles

Heated insoles are ready!
DIY heated insoles

A few calculations

So, the battery has a capacity of 3400 mAh and a voltage of 3.7 V, original battery and corresponds to the stated parameters (checked personally). It is inserted into a power bank, which contains a converter that increases the output voltage to 5 V. Consequently, the capacity will be less: 3.7 * 3400/5 = 2516 mAh.
The insole consumes 0.7 A from 5 V, therefore: 2516/700 = 3.6 hours. And considering that the boost converter has an approximate efficiency of 90%, it will be: 3.6 * 0.9 = 3.24 hours.
As a result, the insole will warm its owner continuously for at least 3 hours! In my opinion this is an excellent result.


We assemble the Power Bank and insert the battery.
DIY heated insoles

DIY heated insoles

We connect to the insoles and check, but first measure the initial temperature and it was 21 degrees.
DIY heated insoles

A couple of minutes later the temperature rose to 49 degrees Celsius.
DIY heated insoles

Insert into boots.
DIY heated insoles

We bring out the USB cable. It doesn't get in the way when walking, I checked it myself.
DIY heated insoles

We sew a fastening from an elastic cord.
DIY heated insoles

Velcro is used as a lock for quick removal.
DIY heated insoles

The finished clamp itself.
DIY heated insoles

This is what it looks like on the leg.
DIY heated insoles

Nothing is noticeable.
DIY heated insoles

In the same Ali Express, you can order ready-made heated insoles, so if you’re too lazy to bother - just buy.

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Comments (2)
  1. Guest Vladimir
    #1 Guest Vladimir Guests February 9, 2019 10:10
    Batteries that are taller, fit into your pocket, and warmer will last longer. If you route the wire correctly, there will be no interference.
  2. glory
    #2 glory Guests 7 December 2021 15:12
    1 wire will break due to bending when walking.
    2 The wire can burn your foot before it warms you up