Reloading Spent Pepper Spray

Reloading Spent Pepper Spray

So. You, or your household, had to use the available pepper spray to protect yourself from dogs or less than adequate citizens. Of course, you can go to the nearest gun or hunting store and buy a new one. However, prices for gas cartridges are rising like mushrooms after rain. Therefore, I propose a very simple way to re-equip your Defender.
Carefully!!! There is work to be done with hot peppers. Use eye and hand protection. If pepper extract gets on unprotected areas of the skin, rinse with milk! Water - NO! Only increase the burning sensation.

Will need

First of all, you need to buy RED GROUND Pepper, in the amount of 100 grams. Usually these are 10 ten-gram sachets.
Reloading Spent Pepper Spray

Let's start recharging

Pour all their contents into a resealable container with a volume of 250-300 ml. Pour 125 ml of ALCOHOL over the pepper. Either VODKA or MOONHOON.
A good extract is also obtained with Glycerin, but it is less fluid, which is not entirely suitable for our purpose.
After thoroughly stirring the resulting brown mud, close the container tightly and leave to infuse for 20 days, stirring occasionally, for better extraction of Oleoresin capsicum (OC), an extract of hot pepper.
Reloading Spent Pepper Spray

After 20-25 days, CAUTION! Pour the well-shaken mixture through several layers of gauze into a clean container. You will get something like this, a pleasant color and a very unpleasant liquid when it comes into contact with the skin, and even more so in the eyes, nose and mouth.
Reloading Spent Pepper Spray

This is Oleoresin capsicum. What was in your can before you used it.
Next: remove the protective cap with the key from the used canister,
Reloading Spent Pepper Spray

And using a 20 cc syringe, with an adapter from a tube from a dropper, or a cambric. Fill the container ¾ full with our pepper extract.
Reloading Spent Pepper Spray

Reloading Spent Pepper Spray

We squeeze the contents of the syringe into the container without any residue, and then, before disconnecting, we turn the entire structure over to avoid squeezing the liquid out due to the pressure created in the container. And so on until three-quarters of the volume is filled. Now, we need to make the pepper infusion self-extract (at our request) from the balloon. Regular gas for refilling lighters will help us with this.
Like this:
Reloading Spent Pepper Spray

Having made an adapter from the same dropper, so that the valves of the gas cylinder and the pepper cylinder are activated at the same time, we pump in gas until the lower cylinder is filled. Easily determined by ear. Carefully, having previously wiped the pepper spray from drips, put the cap with the key back in place.
Your self-defense weapon is ready for repeated use. The only difference is that the AEROSOL can becomes a JET-AEROSOL.
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Comments (5)
  1. Andrey
    #1 Andrey Guests 6 February 2019 14:37
    A new cylinder costs 350 rubles.
  2. Edward
    #2 Edward Guests 6 February 2019 18:56
    The cost of all components for reloading has been announced.
    1. Andrey Kharitonov
      #3 Andrey Kharitonov Guests 13 February 2019 05:24
      10 bags of pepper - 50 rubles, funfirik "Hawthorn" - 45 rubles. A neighbor gave me a glass of moonshine. He said that it’s all the same - “head” :) New cylinder for refilling lighters - 65 rubles.
      Total - 160 rub.
      The resulting extract is enough for TWO recharges. Gas - once every 20. Recharging itself takes 15 minutes with smoke breaks.
      Well, and most importantly - "The road for a spoon for dinner"
      You still need to get to Hunting Goods to get a new can.
  3. Irritanto
    #4 Irritanto Guests 16 March 2021 13:06
    The effectiveness of such stillage is 10 times lower - tinctures like this have already been made. Those ground peppers that we sell are not suitable for extracting capsaicinoids - a lot of carotenoids (red dye) and sugars go into the tincture - they then fall out in the form of a resinous sediment wherever possible and impossible. As a result, the flow area of ​​the tube and valve becomes clogged until the canister becomes completely inoperable at the most necessary moment.
    What, as I have seen, is done correctly - dried Carolina fruits or something else are extracted with Soxhlet, and then freezing and making competent recipes (various alcohols are added for stability at low temperatures and penetrators for penetration and action without delay) that work really effectively, and not for sneezing, like this red pepper extract, which you can buy at the pharmacy without bothering for 25 rubles per 50 ml bottle.
  4. Terminator
    #5 Terminator Guests December 18, 2021 02:04
    The pharmacy sells a bottle of red pepper tincture, it contains 90% alcohol, but pepper flakes can clog the tube and the spray bottle!