Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 150

Master classes:

Delicious Ukrainian sausages in a collagen casing

It is not always possible to purchase natural casings for sausages. And then collagen shells come to the rescue, which consist of protein and are edible. Ukrainian sausages should be quite fatty and juicy, so the meat

Are you laying tiles? Make a device that will save time 2 times

If you are faced with the task of, say, tiling a bathroom with tiles or ceramic tiles, then I recommend making this simplest device. It will save your time, effort, and also improve the quality of the work performed. I will adapt this

Simple DIY bed

Hello, dear friends! I recently moved into a rented apartment. I chose a cheaper apartment; there was practically no furniture there. At first I had to sleep on the floor on a mattress.

Is the combination of baking soda and superglue really that reliable? Let's check

Probably every DIYer or DIYer already knows that if you sprinkle super glue with soda when gluing something together, the joint will be much stronger.But is this really so? What happens to superglue when it gets mixed with baking soda?

DIY mini overpass for cars

There may not always be an overpass or lift nearby to inspect the car from below for preventive purposes or replace some part. A mini-ramp will help you not to depend on external circumstances, which quickly, effortlessly and

How to make a machine vice with your own hands

A machine or drilling vice is indispensable for working with small parts in any workshop or garage. In this master class I will tell you how I made a vice for a drilling machine with my own hands. Considering that it is often necessary to clamp parts

2 simple devices for fast and high-quality twists

Due to loose twisting and poor tinning, the wires oxidize and the contact between them is disrupted. Over time, the twisted area begins to gradually heat up, which can lead to a fire in the electrical wiring. To ensure that the connection is durable, reliable and

DIY garden hose reel from a car wheel

Plastic and rubber watering hoses, especially long ones, are not easy to unwind and rewind every time. Leaving them on the beds or lawn for the whole season is also not a good idea: you will constantly cling to them with your feet, and you can accidentally damage them.

How to connect an aluminum radiator to a heating element

There are situations when the batteries are already installed, but the wiring of the heating system has not yet been done, the boiler is not connected.What should you do if it’s cold outside when you ate, but you need to maintain a positive temperature in the rooms, otherwise the finish will deteriorate?

How to start a fire with a bottle

Over the course of his entire existence, man has come up with a colossal number of ways to make fire without matches or a lighter. Here, for example, is one of them available: how you can light a fire using a bottle using solar energy. The method works quite well

10 Amazing Baking Soda Hacks

This white inorganic powder is found in every kitchen. Despite its simple chemical formula (NaHCO3) and low cost, it can replace many household medications. It is commonly used as a leavening agent in baking or as a cleaning agent.

How to make a deep tenon groove with a minimal set of tools

One of the common and very reliable carpentry connections is the tongue and groove. However, in the absence of a router, it is often ignored, since manual cutting of grooves requires real fiddling. Let's look at how to make grooves a little faster.

Autonomous heater for garage

Such Chinese devices are recommended for heating car interiors, bodies and engines to facilitate their starting and create comfortable conditions for drivers in winter. The power of our unit is 5 kW, supply voltage is 12 V. We will tell you how to use it

Do-it-yourself restoration of electric motor armature commutator plates

In fact, all power tools and household appliances are driven by electric motors, the basis of which is an armature (rotor) consisting of a winding and contact plates. If the drive stops working, then if the winding is working properly, the reason is

Powerful homemade Wi-Fi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

Quite often you can find open Wi-Fi networks with good distribution speeds. However, they have a limited range, which does not allow you to always count on free Internet. This situation can be resolved by using the powerful

We set “hot keys” for any Windows applications

Windows provides several tools that let you quickly launch your favorite programs. These are well-known shortcuts placed on the desktop or control panel, commands in the “Run” window and “hot keys” set by

Simple DIY biogas plant

Free cooking gas can be obtained from human and animal waste. To do this, you can assemble a simple biogas plant. The principle of obtaining gas from waste is very simple: the waste is placed in a sealed

Unique DIY welding trolley with folding table

Semi-automatic welding (MIG/MAG) includes a welding arc power source, a reel and wire feeder, gas equipment with a gas cylinder, wires, a torch, hoses, etc. If welding work is to be done outside

Fried hake

Powdered mustard in batter behaves aggressively and becomes the dominant taste and smell, preventing the fish from expressing its natural taste. Dijon mustard consists of whole grains; this seasoning has a very light aroma with moderate bitterness.

9 tips from professional carpenters

During the manufacture of various wood products by inexperienced craftsmen, unpleasant situations often arise. Professionals prevent the occurrence of most problems, and eliminate the rest quickly and without any additional effort. Here are a few

12V compressor from refrigerator compressor

Many DIYers have been using refrigerator compressors as air compressors for a long time. They connect them to receivers, inflate car tires, use a spray gun, etc. The only shame is that the compressor motor runs on a mains voltage of 220

Homemade wheels - all-terrain vehicles

It is no secret that some villages can only be reached without problems in the summer. In autumn, winter or spring, great difficulties arise - either a swamp or snow drifts; only a modern all-wheel drive vehicle copes with the tasks. But

Registration in a social network using a virtual phone number using the example of VKontakte

Everyone may encounter a situation where they may need a new phone number to register on a page on a social network or other service, but it is not advisable to indicate your real number. Such situations are not as rare as they might seem.

How to start a fire with an empty lighter

Anything can happen in life, especially when you don't expect it. For example, you went fishing or hiking. They took a lighter with them to start a fire and did not check its functionality. Upon arrival, it turned out that there was no gas in it and