Second courses

Master classes:

Baked Hasselback Potatoes with Garlic and Thyme

The flavorful Hasselback potatoes made in this recipe are a great vegan and gluten-free side dish option. It got its name in honor of the Swedish restaurant where it began to be prepared in the middle of the last century, and in Russian it is often

How to fry squid deliciously

Squids are widespread cephalopods. They are the closest relatives of octopuses and cuttlefish. Many species of squid are edible and are subject to industrial and recreational fishing. Squid meat contains a lot

The perfect shish kebab is a complete meal

There are a great many options for preparing shish kebab, from simple to the most complex. I offer a recipe that always wins, and the kebab is distinguished by its delicate and juicy taste, compared to the rest. A fragrant side dish will perfectly create

Recipe for delicious lagman

The most common dish of the peoples of Central Asia is the exquisite Lagman. Today, every housewife can easily prepare a traditional treat without any special knowledge of cooking.To prepare juicy lagman you will need...

Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

Stewed potatoes with ribs, although a simple dish, is very tasty and therefore loved by many. It cooks quite quickly, especially if you use pork ribs for its preparation, which do not require so much for stewing

The most delicious homemade dumplings

The good thing about homemade dumplings is that after spending just an hour or two, they can be prepared for future use, frozen and cooked as needed. In a good freezer they can be stored for quite a long time without loss of quality. Although food experts

Potatoes baked in cream and milk

Another simple, but at the same time exquisite potato side dish that can be offered to guests at the festive table. This dish is very satisfying, so it can also become a complete vegetarian lunch in a cozy family circle.

Unusual baked meat with potato side dish

In the modern world, holidays are never fasting days. Only then can you pamper yourself with pickles and enjoy home cooking. At the same time, any woman does not want to spend all her precious minutes of rest at the stove. How quickly and

Homemade shawarma

Sharma is a traditional Caucasian dish, but its combination of taste, grilled on coals, meat and juicy vegetables will not leave any gourmet indifferent.

Omelet with croutons

You don't always have time to cook something special for dinner. And you always want to eat. The fastest dish to prepare is, of course, an omelette.And also with an omelet you get a very tasty salad.

Stuffed zucchini “For those on a diet”

A healthy person can prepare himself a lot of delicious dishes. What should those who have been diagnosed with one of the gastrointestinal tract diseases do? Diet No. 5 recommended by doctors imposes many prohibitions. But also from the remaining list of permitted

Pancakes with meat

The process of making pancakes with meat is considered one of the simplest and most accessible. This dish is able to satisfy even the strongest hunger, and the meat filling is universal and everyone likes it. If you are tired of cooking various roasts and side dishes

Lasagna for all occasions

Today there is no such person who did not know, did not try or simply did not hear anything about lasagna. This dish is very tasty and is often prepared according to a variety of recipes in many restaurants. You can prepare delicious lasagna at home.

Puff potato

Every day, many housewives ask themselves the question: what to cook for lunch? I want this dish to be tasty and take minimal time to prepare. Puff potatoes can be considered just such a dish. For all its simplicity, puff potatoes

Pizza on a loaf

A loaf pizza recipe is a real find when you need to prepare a tasty, satisfying dish in the shortest possible time. For example, unexpected guests arrived. You can make this pizza for breakfast if you have food left over from dinner.

Baked potatoes with meat in the sleeve

What to cook today? The eternal question is when you are tired or unwell. I want something easy, quick and without having to stand at the stove.There is an offer! Spend 10 minutes preparing food and you can safely rest for about 40 minutes. “Smart” equipment will do everything for you.

Omelette with ham

Omelette, as well as scrambled eggs, has not surprised anyone for a long time. Surely every schoolchild knows how to cook such simple dishes. But sometimes not every adult tries to slightly diversify egg dishes by adding some other product. But

Fun pasta

I like to cook “non-separate” main courses, that is, those that do not consist separately of a meat or fish component and a side dish. I offer a recipe for a second course, which includes pasta, vegetables and sausage. Separately cook the pasta (400 grams

Lazy dumplings

This dish is not only very tasty, but also very healthy. If you play sports, then you will definitely include these dumplings in your diet; high protein content and low fat content is what you need. Lazy dumplings are great for

Rice-chicken balls with cheese “Nezhnye”

You will need: 170 g long grain white rice; 260 ml of drinking water; 180 g processed cheese; 250 g chicken breast meat without skin; 100 ml sunflower oil for frying; 60 g breadcrumbs; 2 pcs. chicken eggs; Table salt, pepper.

Healthy casserole

I offer you a recipe for a delicious, beautiful and healthy casserole made from two types of cabbage. Even those who reject vegetables in all their forms will not refuse to try a beautiful summer dish. Due to its low calorie content, the casserole is ideal for dinner.

Pilaf is easy

I will offer you a very simple recipe for making pilaf at home, I won’t even suggest it, but I will show you how I make it. To prepare it I will need a minimum of ingredients, of course you can add something else, but then it won’t be like that

Egg Sandwich

An egg sandwich is a great way to start the day. Tasty, nutritious, fast, convenient. After all, most of us know that breakfast is the most important of all meals. Many even remember this strange proverb, where you need to eat breakfast yourself, with lunch

Hairy sausage

Hairy sausage or also called hairy sausage. The crazy recipe, invented by no one knows who, is so popular that the unshaven sausage has long lived its own life and is acquiring an increasing number of fans.