Homemade dry-cured meat

Homemade natural meat products are tasty, healthy and economical. Natural dried meat will serve as a complete replacement for store-bought sausages and will be prepared from the products that the housewife chooses for her family.

Homemade dry-cured meat

If dried meat is being prepared for a specific holiday or event, for example, it needs to be prepared for the New Year, you need to take into account that the whole process will take at least 10 days.
Drying at home: how to choose meat

You can dry pork and beef and even chicken at home. It is better to choose pieces from the entrecote part or ham. You can buy both fresh and frozen meat. Considering that pork is much softer and more tender than beef, to prepare your own jerky in a home kitchen, it is better to take a piece of lean or low-fat pork from the lumbar or neck region of the carcass, where the meat has small greasy streaks. The most important condition when choosing meat is freshness. Weathered pieces with expired shelf life are not suitable for making jerky.
Important! You should not choose pieces thicker than four to five cm, otherwise you will need to increase the cooking time at each stage by several days.

Homemade dried pork

For one kg of pork you will need the following amount of products:
- salt 250 g for dry salting + 250 g for brine;
- garlic, 5 - 6 cloves;
- spices (bay leaf, peppercorns, coriander seeds, sweet paprika, hot paprika, ground black pepper, rosemary, sage) 50 - 60 grams.

1. Trim the films and veins from a piece of meat. Wash and dry.


2. Pour salt onto the table or board and dip the meat into it several times, pressing firmly so that the meat is in a dense shell of salt.



Homemade dry-cured meat

3. Place in a saucepan and refrigerate for three days. Inspect the meat daily and drain the liquid from it; if all the salt has dissolved too early, then it needs to be added.
4. After three days, boil a liter of water, add salt, a few bay leaves, five to six peppercorns, and a pinch of coriander seeds.

Homemade dry-cured meat

Cool the brine to 35 - 30 degrees and lower the meat into it.

Homemade dry-cured meat

5. Keep the pork in brine in the refrigerator for another three days.
6. Remove the meat from the brine.

Homemade dry-cured meat

Place it on one board, cover it with the other and place it slightly inclined under the weight to remove excess liquid.

Homemade dry-cured meat

It is better to place the board with meat in the sink or on a tray to collect the draining liquid. Keep the pork in this form for 3 to 5 hours.
7. Prepare a mixture of spices for breading meat. It must include garlic, ground black pepper, hot and sweet red paprika, rosemary and (or) sage and other herbs as desired.

Homemade dry-cured meat

Grind the mixture with a mortar and break the bay leaf with your hands.

Homemade dry-cured meat

Many of the spices not only add flavor and aroma to dried meat, but also have preservative and aseptic properties, acting as natural preservatives, keeping the product fresh.
8. Generously bread the pork in spices.

Homemade dry-cured meat

Homemade dry-cured meat

9. Place the spiced meat in a thick cloth.

Homemade dry-cured meat

A multi-layer gauze napkin will also work, but it is best to use a linen cloth or towel.
10. Wrap the meat in cloth as tightly as possible.

Homemade dry-cured meat

Place it in the refrigerator. After a day, inspect the meat.

Homemade dry-cured meat

If there is not enough breading mixture, then it must be added, and if necessary, replace the damp cloth with a dry one. Refrigerate the jerky for another 48 hours.
11. Store the resulting product in the refrigerator in a dry cloth or in food paper.

Homemade dry-cured meat

The resulting dried pork is an excellent product for slicing meat on a holiday table; you can surprise your loved ones and prepare dried pork for the New Year or any holiday feast. On weekdays, sandwiches with home-dried pork will help you have a snack at work, and will also help you out on a picnic.

Homemade dry-cured meat

Homemade dry-cured meat
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Comments (3)
  1. Victor Filyuk
    #1 Victor Filyuk Guests 15 May 2017 10:32
    As for dry-cured meat, it’s cool. I’ll definitely try to make it. Thank you very much. I always go to the “Do it yourself - with your own hands” site with great interest. THANK YOU.
  2. Irven
    #2 Irven Guests 30 April 2018 06:36
    I do it much easier and 2 times faster. The principle is the same as drying roach. Salt the meat for 2-3 hours (in a cold place), then cut it into pieces 1-2 cm thick and string it on a thread. Then either in the sun or in the freezer - both remove excess moisture from the meat (do not cover!!) . Next, according to taste - the longer it hangs in the sun or lies in the freezer, the drier it will be (you can turn it into breadcrumbs).
      #3 RENAT GAREEV Guests 19 June 2018 12:53
      Can you tell me the salting proportions? I just don’t know how vobla is salted...